فهرست مطالب

مجله علوم پزشکی رازی
سال بیست و هشتم شماره 5 (پیاپی 207، امرداد 1400)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1400/05/05
  • تعداد عناوین: 15
  • هادی سومالی، حسن امیری*، کیوان کاکابرایی، مختار عارفی صفحات 1-10
    زمینه و هدف

    رضایت جنسی به منزله یکی از نیازهای فیزیولوژیکی است که موجب سلامتی انسان می شود و بررسی رضایت جنسی و فشار جسمی و روانی و برطرف کردن اختلال رضایت از دغدغه های اصلی پژوهشگران این حوزه می باشد، با آن که مسئله تعهد از منابع مهم در زندگی زناشویی است، به واسطه هوش معنوی می توان توانایی لازم برای سطح مطلوب رضایت جنسی را بدست آورد، بر این اساس هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی سطوح رضایت جنسی و سازگاری زناشویی براساس متغیرهای هوش معنوی و تعهد زناشویی در زوجین مراجعه کننده به مراکز مشاوره شهر کرمانشاه است.

    روش کار

    این پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر شیوه ی اجرا از نوع توصیفی است. جامعه ی آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه زوجین شهر کرمانشاه می باشد که تعداد صد زوج یعنی دویست نفر(صد زن و صد مرد) به عنوان حجم نمونه به صورت روش نمونه گیری دردسترس انتخاب شدند. جهت گردآوری داده های پژوهش از پرسش نامه های رضایت جنسی لارسون و همکاران (1998)، سازگاری زناشویی اسپاینر (1976)، هوش معنوی کینگ (2008)، و پرسش نامه تعهد زناشویی آدامز و جونز (1997) استفاده شد. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل از نرم افزار آماری SPSS با کمک روش های آماری توصیفی (میانگین و انحراف معیار) و استنباطی (ضریب همبستگی پیرسون) استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج حاصل از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون نشان داد که  بین متغیرهای رضایت جنسی با هوش معنوی (01/0≥P؛ 488/0=R)، رضایت جنسی با سازگاری زناشویی (01/0≥P؛ 476/0=R) و رضایت جنسی با تعهد زناشویی (01/0≥P؛ 516/0=R)،  و بین متغیرهای سازگاری زناشویی با هوش معنوی (01/0≥P؛ 639/0=R)  و سازگاری زناشویی با تعهد زناشویی (01/0≥P؛ 092/0=R)  همبستگی به ترتیب مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد. به علاوه بین متغیر هوش معنوی با تعهد زناشویی (05/0≥P؛ 204/0=R) همبستگی مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد. همچنین نتایج تحلیل رگرسیون نشان داد که هوش معنوی و تعهد زناشویی قادر به پیش بینی رضایت جنسی و سازگاری زناشویی هستند و 268/0 درصد و 270/0 درصد به ترتیب واریانس  رضایت جنسی و سازگاری زناشویی توسط متغیرهای یاد شده تبیین می شود.

    نتیجه گیری

    بنابراین برای افزایش رضایت جنسی و سازگاری زناشویی باید به مولفه های هوش معنوی و تعهد زناشویی به عنوان دو عامل تاثیرگذار و مهم توجه شود.

    کلیدواژگان: رضایت جنسی، سازگاری زناشویی، هوش معنوی و تعهد زناشویی
  • سمیه بهارلو، نادر شاکری*، خسرو ابراهیم، فهیمه رمضانی تهرانی، زهرا علامه صفحات 11-20
    زمینه و هدف

    محدودیت در رژیم غذایی و فعالیت بدنی به عنوان یک اولویت برای درمان بیماران سندرم تخمودان پلی کیستیک از سوی متخصصین توصیه می شود. هدف از انجام تحقیق حاضر تبیین تاثیر 12 هفته تمرین تاباتا در آب بر مقاومت به انسولین، آپولیپوپروتیین A و آپولیپوپروتیین B در زنان چاق مبتلا به سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک بود.

    روش کار

    بدین منظور از بین زنان چاق مبتلا به سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک شهر اصفهان 30 نفر داوطلبانه انتخاب و بطور تصادفی به دو گروه 15 نفره (متفورمین+تمرین تاباتا) و گروه (متفورمین) تقسیم شدند. پس از 12 ساعت ناشتایی و 48 ساعت پس از آخرین جلسه تمرین خونگیری انجام شد. در ادامه گروه تجربی برنامه تمرینات تاباتا در آب را به مدت 12 هفته،  3 جلسه در هفته به مدت 40 دقیقه متشکل از دوره های 4 دقیقه ای (20 ثانیه فعالیت و 10 ثانیه استراحت) انجام دادند. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل استنباطی داده ها از آزمون های شپیرو ویلک، تحلیل واریانس دو طرفه و آزمون تعقیبی بن فرونی استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد تمرین باعث کاهش معنی دار مقاومت به انسولین در گروه تمرین (0001/0P=) شد. اما تمرین بر آپولیپوپروتیین A و آپولیپوپروتیین B در زنان چاق مبتلا به سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک تاثیر معنی داری نداشت.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به تاثیر معنی دار تمرینات تاباتا در آب بر مقاومت به انسولین و عدم تاثیر معنی دار بر آپولیپوپروتیین A و آپولیپوپروتیین B، به نظر می رسد درک مزایای تمرینات منظم تاباتا در زنان چاق مبتلا به سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک نیاز به مطالعات بیشتری دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: تمرین تاباتا در آب، آپولیپوپروتئین A، آپولیپوپروتئین B، سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک
  • انیس الوله نانکلی، صبا ذاکری، داریوش پورمند، کریم زمان فر* صفحات 21-28
    زمینه و هدف

    حاملگی مولر به عنوان یکی از بیماریهای حاملگی  بیماری ترفوبلاستیک بارداری (GTD) است که از جفت پدیدار می شود و عنوان یکی از گروه های بیماری طبقه بندی می شود. مول های هیداتی فرم، 1 در هر 1500 تا 2000 بارداری در ایالات متحده تشخیص داده می شوند. به نظر می رسد تغییرات زیادی در توسعه مول وجود دارد و فراوانی آن در شرق آسیا از کشورهای غربی بیشتر است. مول به دو نوع کامل و ناقص تقسیم می شود. هدف ما مقایسه کلینیکی حاملگی کامل مولر و بارداری ناقص مولر در بیمارستان آموزشی امام رضا (ع) در سال های 1385-1397 است.

    روش کار

    در طی یک دوره ده ساله 289 بیمار که از نظر بالینی بارداری مولار داشتند به بیمارستان آموزشی امام رضا (ع) کرمانشاه مراجعه کرده بودند. نتایج این مطالعه بر اساس سونوگرافی، معاینه جسمی، گزارش پاتولوژی و آزمایش انجام شده از بیمار است. تجزیه و تحلیل با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 16 انجام شد. آزمونT ، مجذور کای، آزمون ویلکاکسون.  ارزش P کمتر از 05/0 از سطح معنی دار آماری معنی دار در نظر گرفته شد.

    یافته ها

    در این مطالعه، بیشتر مادران باردار مولر در گروه سنی 25-45 سال قرار داشتند، زیرا در این سن قدرت باروری زیاد است و پس از آن محدوده سنی 15-24 در رتبه دوم قرار دارد. از طرف دیگر، مول جزیی با بالاترین فراوانی در سن 15-24 سال بود. در مطالعه حاضر، 114 زن باردار (1/48 درصد)Nullipar  بودند و 123 نفر (9/51 درصد)  Multipar بودند. اندازه رحم در حاملگی کامل مول بزرگ تر از مول جزیی بود. در این مطالعه فقط اندازه رحم از نظر آماری ارتباط معنی داری با حاملگی مولر داشت (017/0P = ) و بین سایر متغیرها در مطالعه ما و بارداری مولر رابطه معنی داری مشاهده نشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به ارتباط معنی دار اندازه رحم و اهمیت آن، باید در مطالعات بعدی به عنوان یک شاخص مهم مورد توجه قرار گیرد.

    کلیدواژگان: حاملگی مولر، ارائه بالینی، مولر کامل. بیماری حاملگی Trophoblastic
  • نرجس ابراهیمی، احمد مهرابیان*، حسین دیده خانی صفحات 29-37
    زمینه و هدف

    ابعاد مهم سلامتی یکی از شاخص های مهم در کشورهای پیشرفته می باشد. هدف از انجام تحقیق حاضر بررسی عوامل موثر بر همخوانی زنجیره تامین با مسایل روان شناختی و سلامت بود.

    روش کار

    برای انجام تحقیق توصیفی، کاربردی و پیمایشی حاضر از بین مدیران ارشد شرکت های وابسته به صنایع لبنی با توجه به جدول حجم نمونه مورگان، تعداد 162 نفر به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. بعد از توزیع و جمع آوری پرسشنامه محقق ساخته شامل 25 سوال و 4 عامل دانشی (7 سوال)، مدیریتی (8 سوال)، مالی (4 سوال) و فنی (6 سوال) که روایی صوری و سازه آن مورد تایید قرار گرفته بود تعداد 131 پرسشنامه با استفاده از از روش معادلات ساختاری استفاده گردید. کلیه روند تجزیه و تحلیل داده های پژوهش حاضر در نرم افزارهای SPSS و PLS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد که 4 عامل (دانشی، مدیریتی، فنی و مالی) بر همخوانی زنجیره تامین با مسایل روان شناختی و سلامت تاثیر دارد. همچنین مشخص شد که در میان این عوامل، عوامل مدیریتی بیشترین نقش را بر همخوانی زنجیره تامین با مسایل روان شناختی و سلامت داشتند.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج تحقیق حاضر تایید کننده نقش دانشی، مدیریتی، فنی و مالی بر همخوانی زنجیره تامین با مسایل روان شناختی و سلامت می باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: سلامت، روانشناختی، زنجیره تامین
  • طاهره شهرکی، روح الله سمیعی*، محمدباقر گرجی، سامره شجاعی صفحات 38-48
    زمینه و هدف

    ادراک، انگیزش، نگرش های شغلی و... از جمله مواردی هستند که به بررسی ریشه بسیاری از رفتارهای آدمی در محیط کار می پردازند. هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر مدل سازی رفتار شهروندی سازمانی براساس هوش اخلاقی: نقش میانجی رهبری اصیل، سلامت روان و اعتماد سازمانی در کارکنان آموزش و پرورش سه استان گلستان، مازندران و گیلان بود.

    روش کار

    برای انجام پژوهش کاربردی- توسعه ای حاضر محقق پس از جلب رضایت مسولین از بین جامعه آماری شامل مدیران، معاونین و کارکنان ادارات آموزش و پرورش در سه استان گلستان، مازندران و گیلان تعداد 344  نفر را بطور تصادفی به عنوان نمونه انتحاب کرد. سپس پرسشنامه های لنیک و کیل (Lennick & Kiel) (2005)، پودساکف (Podsakoff) و همکاران (2000)، والومبوا (Walumbwa) و همکاران (2008)، GHQ و الونن (Ellonen) و همکاران (2008) را به ترتیب برای سنجش هوش اخلاقی، رهبری اصیل، رفتار شهروندی سازمانی، سلامت روان و اعتماد سازمانی بین افراد نمونه توزیع و جمع آوری کرد. همچنین برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آمار توصیفی و مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحلیل مسیر نشان داد بین هوش اخلاقی و رهبری اصیل، سلامت روان و اعتماد سازمانی رابطه مستقیم و معناداری وجود دارد. همچنین بین هوش اخلاقی، رهبری اصیل، سلامت روان و اعتماد سازمانی با رفتار شهروندی سازمانی رابطه مستقیم و معناداری وجود دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به ارتباط بین مولفه های تحقیق و اهمیت این مولفه ها در راندمان کاری کارکنان پیشنهاد می شود مسولین با استفاده از روش های مناسب و بالا بردن مسطح متغیرهای تحقیق در جهت پیشبرد اهداف آموزش و پرورش برنامه ریزی کنند.

    کلیدواژگان: هوش اخلاقی، رفتار شهروندی سازمانی، رهبری اصیل، سلامت روان، اعتماد سازمانی
  • فرزاد سینا، محمد وفایی شاهی*، فهیمه سهیلی پور، پریسا محققی، آینا ریاحی، نفیسه برقعی، عاطفه طالبی صفحات 49-59
    زمینه و هدف

    با توجه به شیوع بالای صرع و استفاده از والپروات سدیم به عنوان داروی ضد صرع که به طور گسترده در این بیماران تجویز می شود، شناخت دقیق عوارض جانبی آن و تاثیرات آن بر سطح لیپیدهای سرم، آنزیم های کبد، اسید اوریک و آزمایشات عملکرد تیرویید، به خصوص در مواردی که نیاز به درمان طولانی مدت دارند ضروری به نظر می رسد. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تاثیرات والپروات سدیم بر وزن، شاخص توده بدن (BMI)، ویتامین D3، انسولین خون، سطح اسید اوریک و لیپیدهای سرم در کودکان مبتلا به صرع تازه تشخیص داده شده بود.

    روش کار

    این مطالعه آینده نگر بر روی 30 کودک 3 تا 8 ساله انجام شد که از صرع تازه تشخیص داده شده رنج می بردند و والپروات سدیم را به عنوان مونوتراپی دریافت می کردند. داده ها شامل اطلاعات دموگرافیک (سن ، جنس ، قد ، وزن و دور کمر و اندازه مفصل ران) و همچنین مشخصات بالینی مانند آنزیم های کبدی، سطح لیپیدهای سرم است. آزمایش تیرویید، قند خون ناشتا، سطح اسید اوریک و سطح انسولین خون کودکان قبل و شش ماه پس از مصرف سدیم والپروات، مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند.

    یافته ها

    میانگین وزن کودکان قبل و شش ماه پس از شروع درمان با والپروات سدیم به ترتیب 99/2 ± 54/18 و 93/3 ± 13/21 (کیلوگرم) بود. این اختلاف از نظر آماری معنی دار بود (005/0 = P). همچنین، میانگین وزن باscore  Z در کودکان قبل و بعد از مصرف والپروات سدیم به ترتیب 293/2- و 497/2- بود که از نظر آماری نیز معنی دار بود. علاوه بر افزایش وزن، بعد از مصرف والپروات دور شکم و باسن نیز افزایش قابل توجهی مشاهده شد، در حالی که افزایش میانگین BMI قبل و بعد از تجویز والپروات از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود (114/0 = P). همچنین، والپروات سدیم به طور قابل توجهی سطح ALT را افزایش داد (046/0 = P). این در حالی است که والپروات سدیم هیچ تاثیری بر سایر آزمایش های عملکرد کبد (AST)، هورمون های تیرویید (TSH ، T4)، قند خون ناشتا (FBS)، سطح اسید اوریک، 25 OH Vit-D3 و سطح انسولین خون کودکان نداشت (05/0 >P).

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به یافته های مطالعه، والپروات سدیم داروی مناسبی برای کودکان 3 تا 8 سال است اما مصرف این دارو احتمال چاقی را در کودکان افزایش می دهد. با توجه به افزایش قابل توجه آنزیم ALT در این مطالعه، توصیه می شود آنزیم های کبد قبل، یک و شش ماه پس از شروع درمان بررسی شوند زیرا می تواند از عوارض جانبی دایمی برگشت ناپذیر این دارو جلوگیری کند.

    کلیدواژگان: چاقی، سدیم والپورات، کودکان، صرع
  • فاطمه طالبیان، حسن عموزاد مهدیرجی، فرشته عراقیان مجرد، طاهره یعقوبی* صفحات 60-71
    زمینه و هدف

    انسان مخلوقی پیچیده است که بعدهای مختلف شناختی، اجتماعی، عاطفی و معنوی را شامل می گردد. جدیدترین بعد سلامت  که سبب تقویت کارکرد روانی و سازگاری فرد می شود، سلامت معنوی می باشد. البته یکی از عوامل پایه تامین سلامت معنوی افراد، تاب آوری است که این ظرفیت برای حرفه پرستاری ضروری بشمار می آید. زیرا یکی از مسئولیت های پرستاران حفظ عملکرد در شرایط استرس زا می باشد که این امر جز با تاب آوری مطلوب پرستار، میسر نخواهد بود. لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی عوامل موثر بر سلامت معنوی پرستاران انجام شد.

    روش کار

    این پژوهش به صورت مروری مفهومی طراحی گردید. در مطالعه حاضر، مطالعات فارسی در پایگاه های اطلاعاتی فارسی زبان مانند Noormags، Elmnet، Magiran، Sid با کلید واژه های سلامت مذهبی، پرستار، از سال 1389-1399جستجو شد. برای جستجوی مطالعات انگلیسی به زبان انگلیسی از کلید واژه nurses و spirtual well-being در پایگاه داده های Google Scholar و Pubmed در بین سال 2010-2020 استفاده گردید. این واژه ها اغلب به صورت جداگانه و در مواردی هم به صورت ترکیب دو واژه با هم استفاده شد. تعداد مقالات مورد بررسی، پس از حذف مقالات تکراری، 23 مطالعه بود.

    یافته ها

    بررسی مطالعات نشان داد میزان سلامت معنوی پرستاران در حد متوسط است. عوامل مرتبط با سلامت معنوی شامل جنس، استرس شغلی، افسردگی، هوش معنوی، کیفیت زندگی، رضایت شغلی، مهارت اجتماعی، قاطعیت، خویشتن داری، دیسترس اخلاقی، سلامت عمومی، تاب آوری، اضطراب، شادکامی، راهبرد مساله مدار می باشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    به طور کلی می توان نتیجه گرفت که پایین بودن سلامت معنوی در پرستاران، سبب زیان به بیمار می شود؛ این امر به ویژه در شرایط استمرار پاندمی کوید 19 بغرنج تر می شود. بنابراین لازم است برنامه های آموزشی مناسبی برای ارتقای سلامت معنوی پرستاران  و رفع  موانع انجام مراقبت های معنوی در نظر گرفته شود تا پرستاران بتوانند خدمات بهتری به بیماران و خانواده ی آنان عرضه کنند و خودشان نیز با دسترسی سطح سلامت معنوی مطلوب، از سطح تاب آوری بیستر بهره مند گردند.

    کلیدواژگان: سلامت معنوی، تاب آوری، پرستار، مطالعه مروری
  • مهدی نعیمی نظام آباد، حسین وظیفه دوست*، محمدعلی عبدالوند، بهناز خدایاری صفحات 72-79
    زمینه و هدف

    رفتارهای اخلاقی به عنوان یکی از ارزش های مهم می بایستی مورد توجه جدی تمامی گروه ها قرار گیرد. هدف از انجام تحقیق حاضر بررسی نقش ویژگی های شخصیتی و بهزیستی روان شناختی بر رفتار اخلاقی افراد بود.

    روش کار

    تحقیق حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نوع تحقیقات توصیفی بود که به صورت میدانی انجام شد. جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر را مصرف کنندگان صنایع مواد غذایی در استان گلستان تشکیل دادند که با توجه به عدم وجود اطلاعات کامل در مورد آمار آن ها با استفاده از فرمول آماری کوکران و جدول کرجسی و مورگان، تعداد 384 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. سپس پرسشنامه های رفتارهای اخلاقی لویزر (2013) شامل 15 سوال، پرسشنامه بهزیستی روان شناختی ریف (1980) شامل 18 سوال و شش بعد و پرسشنامه ویژگی های شخصیتی مک کری و کاستا (1985) شامل 60 سوال بود. نهایتا از روش معادلات ساختاری با رویکرد حداقل مربعات جزیی (SEM-PLS) جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد بهزیستی روان شناختی بر رفتار اخلاقی تاثیری به میزان 627/0 ویژگی های شخصیتی بر رفتار اخلاقی تاثیری به میزان 394/0 دارد. همچنین مشخص شد که مدل تحقیق از برازش مناسبی برخوردار می باشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج مشخص می شود ویژگی های شخصیتی و بهزیستی روان شناختی نقش با اهمیتی بر رفتار اخلاقی دارند که لازم است به این متغیرها به صورت جدی و با برنامه ریزی مناسب توجه شود.

    کلیدواژگان: بهزیستی روانشناختی، رفتار اخلاقی، ویژگی های شخصیتی
  • هدا تابع، آسیه عباسی دلویی*، سید جواد ضیاالحق، علیرضا براری صفحات 80-89
    مقدمه و هدف 

    چاقی حتی در صورت عدم وجود بیماریهای قلبی، با اختلال عملکرد متابولیسم میوکارد مرتبط است. مداخلات رژیم غذایی و سبک زندگی می توانند به طور قابل توجهی خطرات بیماری های مزمن متابولیک را کاهش دهند. هدف از این تحقیق، بررسی تاثیر یک دوره تمرین هوازی و مکمل سیر بر بیان شاخص های متابولیک بافت قلب در موش های چاق بود.

    روش کار

    در این مطالعه تجربی، 25 سر رت نر (5 سر رت سالم بالغ و 20 سر رت نر بالغ چاق نژاد ویستار) به طور تصادفی در پنج گروه کنترل (سالم)، چاق، چاق-سیر، چاق-تمرین هوازی و چاق-سیر-تمرین هوازی قرار گرفتند. تمرین هوازی روی تردمیل، 5 روز در هفته به مدت هشت هفته اجرا شد. پس از بیهوشی، کالبد شکافی انجام و بافت قلب برداشته شد. بیان ژن های PI3K  و PTEN در بافت قلب یه روش Real Time PCR اندازه گیری شد. داده ها به روش t همبسته، تحلیل واریانس یک طرفه و آزمون تعقیبی توکی در سطح معنی داری P<0.05 تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان دادmRNA PI3K  بافت قلب در گروه های چاق-سیر، چاق-تمرین و چاق-تمرین-سیر نسبت به گروه کنترل چاق به طور معنی داری بیشتر بود (001/0=P). همچنین  mRNA PTENبافت قلب در گروه های چاق-سیر، چاق-تمرین و چاق-تمرین-سیر نسبت به گروه کنترل چاق به طور معنی داری کمتر بود (001/0=P).

    نتیجه گیری

    به نظر می رسد مداخله تمرین هوازی و مکمل سیر می تواند به بهبود بیان ژن شاخص های متابولیک بافت قلب در چاقی کمک کند. دادmRNA PI3K  بافت قلب در گروه های چاق-سیر، چاق-تمرین و چاق-تمرین-سیر نسبت به گروه کنترل چاق به طور معنی داری بیشتر بود (001/0P=). همچنین  mRNA PTENبافت قلب در گروه های چاق-سیر، چاق-تمرین و چاق-تمرین-سیر نسبت به گروه کنترل چاق به طور معنی داری کمتر بود (001/0P=).

    نتیجه گیری

    به نظر می رسد مداخله تمرین هوازی و مکمل سیر می تواند به بهبود بیان ژن شاخص های متابولیک بافت قلب در چاقی کمک کند.

    کلیدواژگان: چاقی، تمرین، سیر، متابولیسم بافت قلب، موش های صحرایی
  • امیر فلاح نژاد مجرد، لاله بهبودی*، ساناز میرزایان شانجانی، مجتبی ایزدی صفحات 90-103
    زمینه و هدف

    بیماری کبد چرب غیر الکلی شایع ترین بیماری کبدی در دنیا است. عوامل ژنتیکی، پیدایش و توسعه بیماری را تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد. مطالعه حاضر به منظور بررسی تاثیر هشت هفته تمرین ترکیبی (هوازی، مقاومتی) بر میزان هموسیستیین سرم سه ژنوتیپ (TT،CT،CC) پلی مورفیسم C677T ژن متیلن تترا هیدروفولات ردوکتازMTHFR  بود.

    روش کار

    در این پژوهش نیمه تجربی میزان هموسیستیین سرم60 بیمار مرد چاق 30 تا 40 ساله با BMI بین k/m230 الی 35 مبتلا به کبد چرب غیرالکلی گرید 1 در شش گروه (سه گروه تجربی و سه گروه کنترل) قبل و پس از 8 هفته تمرین ترکیبی تحت بررسی قرارگرفتند. تمرین ترکیبی به صورت ترکیب تمرینات هوازی و  مقاومتی در سه روز غیر متوالی به طوری که در نیمه ابتدای هر جلسه تمرینات هوازی و در نیمه دوم تمرین مقاومتی اجرا شد. تمرینات هوازی با  شدت 65 درصد حداکثر ضربان قلب ذخیره در جلسه اول و شدت 75 درصد حداکثر ضربان قلب ذخیره در جلسه آخر و نیز تمرینات مقاومتی بر مبنای غیرخطی با تاکید بر استقامت و آمادگی عمومی به وسیله کرامر و فلک با شدت تمرین 45 درصد در جلسه اول و 60 درصد در جلسه آخر انجام گردید. به منظور مقایسه گروه ها ازروش آماری تحلیل واریانس با اندازه های تکراری و در صورت وجود تفاوت بین گروه ها به منظور انجام مقایسه های جفتی از آزمون تعقیبی LSD استفاده  و میزان خطا (05/0˂α) درنظرگرفته و با استفاده از نرم افزارSPSS19 تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها انجام شد.

    یافته ها

    در پایان 8 هفته نتایج نشان داد که گروه های مختلف تمرینی در شاخص های سطح غلظت هموسیستیین (000/0p=) تفاوت معنی داری را نشان داد. با عنایت به وجود تفاوت بین گروه ها مشخص شد که غلظت هموسیستیین در گروه ژنوتیپ TT نسبت به هر دو گروه ژنوتیپ CT (000/0 = P) و CC (026/0 = P) به کاهش معنی دار منجر شده است، در صورتی که گروه ژنوتیپ CT نسبت به گروه ژنوتیپ CC تفاوت معنی داری  مشاهده نشد (815/0 = P). نتایج بعدی برای هر گروه نشان داد که در گروه تمرین TT بین پیش آزمون و پس آزمون تفاوت معنی داری وجود داشت (025/0= P) و همچنین گروه تمرین CT بین پیش آزمون و پس آزمون تفاوت معنی داری وجود داشت (041/0p=)، اما در گروه CC تفاوت بین پیش آزمون و پس آزمون معنی دار نیست.

    نتیجه گیری

    بعد از هشت هفته تمرین ترکیبی (هوازی، مقاومتی) میزان هموسیستیین سرم در بیماران کبد چرب کاهش داشته و این تاثیر در ژنوتیپ TT نسبت به دو ژنوتیپ CT و  CC کاهش بیشتری را نشان داد .لازم به ذکر است با توجه به یافته های این پژوهش در رابطه با کاهش سطح هموسیستیین سرم متعاقبا احتمال بهبود عملکرد کبد در بیماران کبد چرب غیر الکلی نیز حاصل گردد.

    کلیدواژگان: کبد چرب غیر الکلی، چاقی، هموسیستئین، ژن MTHFR، پلی مورفیسمهای C677T
  • شادی فیاضی*، سعید نقیبی، محمد شریعت زاده جنیدی، محمدرضا اسد صفحات 104-115
    زمینه و هدف

    PGC-1α وERRα  در تعامل با یکدیگر برای رونویسی ژن های درگیر در متابولیسم انرژی عمل می کنند. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی پاسخ این دو فاکتور به تمرینات تناوبی پر شدت (HIIT) و تداومی با شدت متوسط (MIT) در بافت چربی زیر جلدی رت های نرسالم بود.

    روش کار

    در مطالعه تجربی حاضر، تعداد 24 سر رت نر به سه گروه مساوی HIIT، MITو کنترل تقسیم شدند.  گروه های تمرینی (به جز کنترل) به مدت 8 هفته در برنامه های تمرینی شرکت کردند. گروه HIIT در سه هفته پایانی به 4 مرحله دویدن در 4 دقیقه با شدت 90  تا 100 درصد VO2max و 4 مرحله دویدن در 3 دقیقه در 50 تا 60 درصد VO2max و گروه MIT  به 37 دقیقه دویدن در 65 درصد VO2max رسیدند. 24 ساعت پس از آخرین جلسه تمرین، بافت چربی زیر جلدی برداشته شد. روش RT-PCR برای اندازه گیری بیان ژن ها استفاده شد. تحلیل داده ها  با آزمون آنووا یک طرفه و تعقیبی توکی در سطح معنا داری 05/0≥P  انجام شد.

    یافته ها

    در بیان PGC-1α و  ERRα در پروتکل HIIT در مقایسه با گروه کنترل، افزایش معنی دار مشاهده گردید (001/0≤ P). بیان PGC-1α در پروتکل تمرینی MIT در مقایسه با گروه کنترل افزایش معنی دار (001/0≤ P) و در ERRα عدم معنی داری نشان داد (052/0=P).

    نتیجه گیری

    یافته ها نشان داد که بیانPGC-1α  وERRα در بافت چربی زیر جلدی فاکتوری تمرین پذیر می باشد. تاثیر تمرینات HIIT به میزان قابل توجهی بیشتر بود.

    کلیدواژگان: PGC-1α، ERRα، HIIT، MIT، چربی زیر جلدی
  • ابوالفضل مهردوست، یعقوب علوی متین*، رضا رستم زاده، سلیمان ایران زاده صفحات 116-124
    زمینه و هدف

    سیاست های شفاف درباره سلامت روان در هر کشوری اساس ترین و قوی ترین ابزار بخش سلامت روان آن کشور است. هدف از تحقیق حاضر تعیین عوامل موثر بر توسعه بیمه سلامت روان در ایران بود.

    روش کار

    جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر را کلیه مدیران و کارکنان شاغل در بخش بیمه سلامت، بیمه خدمات درمانی، شرکت های بیمه، حوزه های فعال در زمینه بیمه سلامت و اعضای هییت علمی در رشته روان پزشکی تشکیل دادند. که تعداد 308 نفر به صورت تصادفی به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شده و پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بین آن ها توزیع و جمع آوری شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی و تاییدی پنج عامل اساسی شامل عامل اول (ساختاری)؛ عامل دوم (فرهنگ)؛ 18 عامل سوم (کیفیت خدمات)؛ عامل چهارم (فردی) و عامل پنجم (تامین و پشتیبانی) برای توسعه بیمه سلامت روان شناساسی کرد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج به مدیران و سیاست گذاران حوزه بیمه پیشنهاد می شود با تدوین راهکارهای مبتنی بر این 5 عامل زمینه توسعه بیمه سلامت روان را فراهم نمایند.

    کلیدواژگان: بیمه، سلامت روان، ارتقاء سلامت، توسعه، نظام بیمه ای
  • کریم آتشگر*، سعید روشندل صفحات 125-144
    زمینه و هدف

    یکی از اولین اقداماتی که در شرایط همه گیری یک بیماری مانند کووید-19 در جامعه صورت می گیرد، انجام بررسی اپیدمیولوژیک است. یکی از مهم ترین مشخصه های کلیدی در ارزیابی و کنترل اپیدمی، شاخص مولد پایه () است که متاثر از عوامل متفاوتی، تغییر می یابد. این مقاله درصدد است تا در مرحله اول یک رابطه تابعی بین شاخص مولد پایه و متغیر دما طراحی نماید، و در دومین مرحله ، نشان دهد که پاندمی در یک جامعه را می توان با رویکرد پروفایلی بصورت اثربخشی پایش کرد.

    روش کار

    روش مورد استفاده برای دستیابی به اهداف این تحقیق، تجزیه و تحلیل و پایش پروفایل می باشد. پایش پروفایل در گروه  رویکردهای آماری قرار می گیرد. در این تحقیق رابطه تابعی (پروفایل) میان متغیرهای دمای محیط و شاخص مولد پایه مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفته است. همچنین در این تحقیق، به منظور دستیابی به رابطه تابعی مورد نظر، از روش های تجزیه و تحلیل طراحی آزمایشات نیز استفاده شده است.

    یافته ها

    در این تحقیق، علاوه بر اینکه یک پروفایل برای دو متغیر دمای محیط و شاخص مولد پایه طراحی و معرفی گردید، این تحقیق نشان داد که می توان پاندمی را بر اساس یک رابطه پروفایلی بصورت اثربخش کنترل کرد، و تغییرپذیری ناشی از عوامل غیرطبیعی را از تغییرپذیری ناشی از عوامل تحت کنترل، شناسایی کرد.

    نتیجه گیری

    این مقاله ضمن بررسی مدل پیشنهادی در دو فاز یک و فاز دو، پایش پروفایل پیشنهادی را برای سه بازه زمانی متفاوت در کشور ایران تجزیه و تحلیل حساسیت  کرده است. نتایج این تحلیل نشان داد که مدل کنترلی طراحی شده می تواند به خوبی شرایط پاندمی ویروس کووید-19 را  با استفاده از رابطه تابعی بین متغیر مستقل دمای محیط و متغیر پاسخ عدد مولد پایه () پایش کند و سیگنال های مناسبی را از خود نشان دهد.

    کلیدواژگان: پایش پروفایل، پاندمی، کووید 19، کرونا، عدد مولد پایه
  • نفیسه مهدوی*، کیومرث فرحبخش، غلامرضا نورآذر، عبدالله معتمدی صفحات 145-156
    زمینه و هدف

    بیماری روانی در یک خانواده می تواند یک"بیماری مخرب و نابودکننده" باشد که خانواده را مختل می کند و فرصت استراحت را از آن می گیرد.

    روش کار

    روش تحلیل داده ها در این مطالعه کیفی بود. در مطالعه کیفی، در طول فرآیند کدگذاری، با بررسی کردن کدگذاری به صورت تکراری به منظور جلوگیری از "رانده شدن به سمت یک حس شخصی از آنچه که کدها معنی می دهد" کدگذاری ادامه می یابد. بعد از کدگذاری مجموعه کامل داده ها، جهت هماهنگی بین رمزگذاری دوباره وارسی می گردند. سپس مشخصات و ابعاد طبقه بندی ها بررسی شده، روابط بین طبقه بندی ها تعیین، الگوها آشکار و طبقه ها در مقابل همه داده ها تست می شوند. در مرحله نهایی از یافته ها  و تفسیر آن ها گزارش تهیه و ارایه می گردد.

    یافته ها

    یافته های پژوهش نشان داد عملکرد خانواده ها به پنج صورت در آن ها بروز یافته است که عبارتند از: مسیرهای هماهنگ ساز خانواده با تغییرات، مسیرهای امنیت بخشی، ارتباط سازی، مقاوم سازی، باور سازی، مشارکتی خانواده در بحران. یافته های این پژوهش نشان داد که خانواده هایی که دارای یک عضو مبتلا به اختلال قطبی هستند، دارای توانایی و ویژگی انطباقی می باشند.

    نتیجه گیری

    این مطالعه نقش خانواده در رویارویی با اختلال دو قطبی نوجوان را گزارش کرد. قصد این مطالعه درک بهتری از نیازهای والدین در فرایند انطباق پذیری، یافتن ضروری ترین نیازها و اولویت بندی آن ها در برنامه های آموزش خانواده است.

    کلیدواژگان: رویارویی با اختلال دو قطبی نوجوان : بررسی پدیدارشناختی خانواده
  • فرزانه هاشمی، امین خطیبی *، زهرا هژبرنیا، امیر ندری صفحات 157-168
    زمینه و هدف

     اگرچه هواداری در ورزش قدمتی دیرینه دارد و باشگاه های کوچک و بزرگ فوتبال در سراسر جهان گاه تا بیش از یک قرن هوادارن متعصب خود را داشته اند، اما شکل گیری فرهنگ هواداری پدیده ای به نسبت نوظهور است که شناخت کافی از آن وجود ندارد. هدف این پژوهش ارائه مدل توسعه فرهنگ هواداری براساس عوامل روانی-اجتماعی می باشد که با روش تحقیق کیفی و با ماهیت اکتشافی- بنیادی انجام گرفت.

    روش کار

     از طریق تکنیک نمونه گیری گلوله برفی و براساس مصاحبه های عمیق با 23 نفر از نخبگان علمی و اجرایی ورزش داده های تحقیق جمع آوری شد و براساس نظریه داده بنیاد با رویکرد کلاسیک گلیزر، داده ها کدگذاری و تجزیه و تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

     براساس یافته ها، مقوله های به نام های بازنمایی فرهنگ هواداری در فضای مجازی، بازنمایی فرهنگ هواداری در فضای مجازی، بازنمایی فرهنگ هواداری در کانون هواداران، بازنمایی فرهنگ هواداری در رسانه ملی، آموزش گری، بهره گیری از ویژگی های زبان شناختی فرهنگ فوتبال، فعالیت باشگاه ها و عوامل مدیریتی در زمره عوامل اجتماعی و مقوله های احترام گذاشتن به حق هوادار، رعایت موازین و اقدامات کنترلی، سالم سازی محیط ورزشگاه ها، جریان سازی و هدایت هیجانات در زمره عوامل روانی دسته بندی و استخراج شدند.

    نتیجه گیری

     با استفاده از اموزش افراد توسط رسانه های ملی و فضای مجازی و با بهره گیری از روانشناسان و متخصصان امر جهت هدایت و کنترل هیجانات هواداران و رعایت اقدامات کنترلی و مدیریتی و بهره گیری از ویژگی های زبان شناختی می توان فرهنگ هواداران را، توسعه و بهبود بخشید.

    کلیدواژگان: فرهنگ هواداران فوتبال، عوامل روانی-اجتماعی
  • Hadi Soumali, Hasan Amiri*, Kivan Kakaberaei, Mokhtar Arefi Pages 1-10
    Background & Aims

    Marriage is the initiating stage of making a family and is one of the most important social and intimate human relationships. Among the important aspects of a marital system that spouses experience in marriage are sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment. Sexual satisfaction is one of the physiological needs that contributes to human health and the study of sexual satisfaction and physical and psychological stress and the elimination of satisfaction disorder is one of the main concerns of researchers in this field. Although commitment is an important resource in married life, spiritual intelligence can provide the ability to achieve the desired level of sexual satisfaction. This study aimed to predict the levels of sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment based on the variables of spiritual intelligence and marital commitment in couples who referred to counseling centers in Kermanshah. In examining the variables affecting the level of marriage satisfaction, this study attempted to answer the question of whether the variables of spiritual intelligence and marital commitment affect sexuality and marital adjustment in couples.


    The present study is a descriptive-analytical research in terms of implementation and an applied research in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study is all couples in Kermanshah who have been married for at least 2 years. For the sample size, among the eight districts of Kermanshah, District 1 was selected and among the counseling centers of these areas, 4 counseling centers with a number of one hundred couples, i.e. two hundred people (one hundred women and one hundred men) were selected by available sampling method. Larson et al.'s (1998) Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire, Spinner’s (1976) Marital adjustment, King's Spiritual Intelligence (2008), and Adams and Jones’s (1997) Marital Commitment Questionnaires were used to collect research data. In order to analyze the research data, descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics, including Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis, were used. SPSS statistical analysis software version 21 was used to analyze the research data. Significance level in this study was 0.05.


    Examination of the demographic characteristics of the subjects shows that 50% of the subjects (100 people) were male and 50% of the subjects (100 people) were women. The mean age of the subjects was 37.24 ± 7.630 and ranged from 20 to 60 years.
    According to the results of the present study, Pearson correlation coefficients between the variables of sexual satisfaction with spiritual intelligence, marital adjustment, and marital commitment were statistically positive and significant at the level of P≥0.01. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficients between marital adjustment with spiritual intelligence and marital commitment were statistically positive and significant at the level of P≥0.01. Also, Pearson correlation coefficients between spiritual intelligence and marital commitment were statistically positive and significant at the level of P≥0.05. To ensure the observation of the underlying assumptions, multiple linearity assumption was examined before analyzing the data. For both variables of sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment, tolerance statistics (and variance inflation factor) were obtained for the variables of spiritual intelligence and marital commitment 0.86 (1.13) and 0.86 (1.13), respectively. As the results show, the obtained tolerance values for the variables are above 0.10 that indicate the absence of multiple linearity between the variables. Also, the value of the obtained inflation factor variance for the variables is less than 10, which indicates no multiple linearity between the variables. Considering the values of t, it is observed that the effect of all components in the regression equation is significant (P≥0.01). Spiritual intelligence and marital commitment play an important role in explaining sexual satisfaction, and the factor of spiritual intelligence and marital commitment explain 0.271% of the variance related to sexual satisfaction. Additionally, spiritual intelligence and marital commitment play an important role in explaining marital adjustment, and the factor of spiritual intelligence and marital commitment explains 0.273% of the variance related to marital adjustment.


    This study aimed to predict the levels of sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment based on the variables of spiritual intelligence and marital commitment in couples referring to counseling centers in Kermanshah. The present results showed a positive and significant relationship between the variables of sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment with spiritual intelligence and marital commitment. Sexual satisfaction is one of the most important factors in marital satisfaction, and those who are more sexually satisfied report significantly better quality of life than those who are not sexually satisfied. Many factors can affect a couple's sexual satisfaction. One of these factors is spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence as one of the new concepts of intelligence, includes a kind of adaptation and problem-solving behavior that includes the highest level of development in various areas of cognitive, moral, emotional, interpersonal, and etc. and helps the person to coordinate with the surrounding phenomena and achieve internal and external integration. This intelligence gives the person a general insight towards life and all experiences and events and enables him to frame and reinterpret his experiences to deepen his cognition and knowledge. Also, in explaining the relationship between marital commitment with sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment, it can be stated that reducing commitment between the couples causes sexual disorders and consequently reduces couples' sexual satisfaction. Men in marital life consider the quality of their sexual relationship as a criterion of relationship satisfaction, love, and commitment. As a result, the more satisfied they are with their sex, the more satisfied they are with their marriage and experience more love and commitment. Therefore, in order to increase sexual satisfaction and marital adjustment, the components of spiritual intelligence and marital commitment should be considered as two effective and important factors.

    Keywords: Sexual Satisfaction, Marital Adjustment, Spiritual Intelligence, Marital Commitment
  • Somayeh Baharloo, Nader Shakeri*, Khosrov Ebrahim, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Zahra Allameh Pages 11-20
    Background & Aims

    Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder of the reproductive system in women. It is associated with some diseases such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, endometrial hyperplasia, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, depression and sometimes mental disorders (2). Insulin resistance is currently a common feature of polycystic ovary syndrome, which puts women at risk for type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and obesity. According to research, 70% of women with this complication have insulin resistance (4). Insulin resistance leads to an increase in insulin levels, which stimulates androgen production in the ovarian stroma and impairs follicular development (5). In addition, research has shown that in people with polycystic ovary syndrome, some cardiovascular risk factors such as apolipoproteins (6) are also affected, which due to the mechanisms of this disease, this change in balance is formed. Research suggests that the most important way to prevent and treat infertility disorders in people with polycystic ovary syndrome is to control their diabetes and weight (16). Although the benefits of aerobic exercise have been proven in many studies, little research has been done on intense intermittent exercise. One type of intense intermittent exercise is the Tabata exercise (5). Numerous clinical studies have reported significant aerobic, metabolic, musculoskeletal, and psychological benefits for water sports programs and intermittent swimming exercises (22). Considering the above and the importance of treating polycystic ovary syndrome on the one hand and the importance of angiogenesis on the other hand, the researcher intends to investigate the effect of Tabata exercise in water and metformin on endostatin and in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.


    The present research is a quantitative and applied study that was conducted with a two-group design (experimental and control) with pre-test and post-test. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all women with a body mass index of more than 29.9 in Isfahan with polycystic ovary syndrome. 30 people were selected as a sample from the community and provided they met the inclusion criteria, which were randomly assigned to the experimental group of Tabata + metformin exercise control. Subjects then completed a personal information questionnaire and blood samples were taken after 12 hours of night fasting to determine the level of research variables. In the continuation of the experimental group, the training program consisted of 12 weeks, 3 sessions per week and each session lasted 40 minutes of Tabata training in water with a special training song for 20 minutes and 10 minutes of stretching and cooling exercises. The dose of metformin prescribed in the experimental group was 500 mgr twice a day after breakfast and dinner. 48 hours after the last training session, blood samples were taken again from all subjects. Descriptive statistics and Shapiro-Wilk tests, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc test were used to analyze the data using SPSS / 21 software at the significance level of 0.05.


    The results showed that exercise (F = 27.424, P = 0.001, µ = 0.329) and the interaction of exercise and time (F = 5.865, P = 0.019, µ = 0.095) had a significant effect on adiponectin in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. But time had no significant effect on adiponectin in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (F = 0.001, P = 0.972, µ = 0.001). It was also found that insulin resistance at the end of the period was significantly lower in the exercise group than the control group (P = 0.0001). In relation to apolipoprotein A, exercise (F = 0.099, P = 0.754, µ = 0.002), time (F = 1.645, P = 0.205, µ 0.029) and exercise-time interaction (F = 1.213, P = 0.275) were determined. µ = 0.021) had no significant effect on the amount of apolipoprotein A in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Other findings showed exercise (F = 1.138, P = 0.291, µ = 0.020), time (F = 0.585, P = 0.448, µ = 0.010) and exercise-time interaction (F = 0.713, P = 0.402, µ = 0.013 ) Have no significant effect on the amount of apolipoprotein B in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.


    The results of the present study showed that 12 weeks of Tabata exercise program in water led to a significant reduction in insulin resistance in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. This finding of the present study is consistent with the results of research by Harrison et al. (2012) and Esmailzadeh Tolouei et al. (2015) (20-21). Probably the reason for the decrease in insulin resistance in the present study is a decrease in factors such as weight, body mass index and fat percentage in these people after exercise. Regarding apolipoprotein A, it can be said that apolipoprotein A catalyzes low-density lipoprotein in the blood vessel wall of the body, especially the vascular wall of adipose tissue, by activating the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. In sports activities, low-density lipoprotein catabolism develops. Therefore, it is necessary to increase apolipoprotein A, but since the increase in low-density lipoprotein was not significant in this study, the lack of increase in lipopathological catabolism can be considered a reason for not increasing apolipo protein A. On the other hand, it has been suggested that the increase threshold of apolipo protein A is to exercise more than one hour per session and more than twelve weeks (26). However, the training protocol was followed in the study for 12 weeks, which could be one of the reasons why apolipo protein A did not change. Finally, the fact that apolipoprotein B levels do not decrease following Tabata exercises in the present study may be justified by the fact that LDL levels do not decrease. It seems that controlling the diet by consuming less foods with high or high glycemic index and instead consuming foods with low or medium glycemic index can have a positive effect on the amount of apolipoprotein B (29). Therefore, by controlling this nutritional factor, positive changes of apolipoprotein B can be achieved after exercise. However, in the present study, subjects did not follow a specific diet. A period of Tabata training did not cause a significant change in apolipoprotein B levels in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Keywords: Water-based Tabata training, Apolipoprotein A, Apolipoprotein B, Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Anisodowleh Nankali, Saba Zakeri, Daryoush Pourmand, Karim Zamanfar* Pages 21-28
    Background & Aims

    Molar pregnancy is one of the gestational diseases of pregnancy trophoblastic disease (GTD) which is a free phenomenon and is classified as one of the disease groups. Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a term that includes a group of tumors that are characterized by abnormal proliferation of human placental gonadotropin trophoblast (hCG); Guide to Encouraging GTD, Administration, and Related Care It is essential to measure these peptide hormones in serum. Hydatid mole is diagnosed in 1 in 1,500 to 2,000 pregnancies in the United States. There seems to be a lot of change in mole development, and it is more prevalent in East Asia than in Western countries. Mole is divided into two types, complete and incomplete. A complete hydatidiform mole has abnormal chorionic villi that can be seen with the naked eye as a mass with clear vesicles. The size of the vesicles varies and often hangs in clusters of thin bases. Conversely, in incomplete mole pregnancies, hydatidiform changes are focal and less severe; Incomplete moles also contain some embryonic tissues. Although both types of moles fill the uterine cavity, their occurrence in the form of tubular pregnancy or other forms of ectopic pregnancy is rare. Over the past few decades, the clinical manifestations of mole pregnancies have changed significantly due to the earlier application of women for prenatal care as well as the widespread prevalence of ultrasound. As a result, most mole pregnancies are diagnosed more than they are enlarged and cause complications. Due to rapid diagnosis, timely evacuation, and careful post-evacuation monitoring for GTN, maternal mortality rate due to molar pregnancy has become rare. The purpose of preoperative evaluations is to identify known known complications such as preeclampsia, hyperthyroidism, anemia, decreased electrolytes due to severe vomiting, and metastatic disease. After molar pregnancy, monitoring is very important to identify subsequent neoplasms. Therefore, moles should be histologically differentiated from other cases of pregnancy failure that cause hydropic analysis of the placenta; These can mimic the hair changes that occur in a mole pregnancy. Classic molar changes may not be seen before the tenth week of pregnancy; Because the villi have not yet grown and the molar stroma may not have been edematous and without blood vessels, other techniques are used to differentiate. One technique uses a difference in ploidy to differentiate between defective (triploid) moles and diploid products. Excluding rare cases, molar pregnancies can be considered the result of chromosomally abnormal fertilizations. The chromosomal composition in a complete mole is generally diploid. Chromosome composition is usually XX46, and both chromosomes are of paternal origin, a phenomenon called androgenesis. Complete moles and non-molar pregnancies with placental hydropic analysis are both diploid. The aim of clinical comparison is complete molar pregnancy and incomplete molar pregnancy in Imam Reza (AS) Teaching Hospital in Kermanshah.


    During a twelve-year period, 237 patients who were clinically pregnant were referred to Imam Reza (AS) Teaching Hospital in Kermanshah in 2018-2006. Although sonography is the main method of diagnosing trophoblastic disease, all cases They are not approved at first. The term "snowstorm" is commonly used to describe this view. Ultrasound image of a complete mole contains an echogenic uterine mass that has a large number of echo-free cystic spaces, but no embryo or amniotic sac is seen. It is an embryo or at least an embryonic tissue. However, in early pregnancy, ultrasound will show the above clear appearance in only half of the cases of hydatidiform mole. The results of this study are based on ultrasound, physical examination, pathology report and examination of the patient. Analysis was performed using SPSS software version 16, T test, Chi-square, Wilcoxon test.


    In this study, the strongest risk factors are age and history of hydatidiform mole in previous pregnancies. Women on both sides of the reproductive age range are at greater risk. Most of molar's pregnant mothers were in the age group of 25-45 years, because at this age the fertility is high, followed by the age range of 24-24. On the other hand, partial moles had the highest frequency at the age of 15-24 years. In the present study, 114 pregnant women (48.1%) were nulliparous and 123 (51.9%) were multiparous. The size of the uterus in full pregnancy was larger than the partial mole (flesh mass). The most common clinical sign was vaginal bleeding. Uterine size in full molar pregnancy was larger than incomplete molar, which was statistically significant. Hyperemesis was higher in complete mole than incomplete mole, although this difference was not significant, but its P. Value level was close to significant and was calculated to be around 0.06. The frequency of complete moles was higher than incomplete moles. The highest frequency of blood group was related to O positive and the lowest frequency of blood group was related to AB negative. Most cases of complete molar pregnancy were 11-17 weeks in gestational age and less than 10 weeks in incomplete moles. Most pregnant mothers had multiple molar pregnancies. The majority of patients with the diagnosis of molar pregnancy were urban. In this study, only the size of the uterus was statistically significantly associated with molar pregnancy (P = 0.017) and no significant relationship was observed between other variables in our study and molar pregnancy.


    The clinical manifestations of complete molar pregnancy were similar to incomplete molar and were not statistically significant. And in two study groups where complete and incomplete moles were compared. The results showed that the majority of women who had molar pregnancies lived in the city and there was no statistically significant difference. Considering the significant relationship between uterine size and its importance, it should be considered as an important indicator in future studies and is an important and helpful indicator in diagnosing complete mole pregnancy from incomplete mole.

    Keywords: Molar pregnancy, Clinical presentation, Complete mole, Trophoblastic gestational disease
  • Narjes Ebrahimi, Ahmad Mehrabian*, Hosein Didehkhani Pages 29-37
    Background & Aims

    Nowadays, improving health has been considered as a concern in all areas (6). In order to improve people's health, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the psychological aspects. Psychological issues can provide the basis for improving people's health by influencing people's mental and physical conditions as well as influencing people's attitudes (7). However, improving health status has not been considered as an important issue in all societies and countries. In other words, although positive achievements in the field of health have been made in some countries, but this issue still needs serious planning in some environments and countries (10). One of the most important issues in the field of supply chain is the improvement of psychological status and health. Supply chain is identified as one of the most important and key activities in corporate activities. In recent years, the emergence of new technologies and major changes in global markets, has made supply chain management more necessary, so that various organizations to create and maintain their competitive position, inevitably use supply chain management. Be (13). However, in a few studies, there has been a brief reference to the functions of the supply chain in influencing environmental issues and improving people's health. This has led to the compliance of the supply chain with the health and psychological characteristics of the environment as an important principle. However, research shows that there is no comprehensive research to improve the supply chain situation in addressing issues related to the psychological and health status of individuals. Therefore, in the present study, the researcher seeks to answer the question that what are the factors affecting the supply chain alignment with psychological and health issues?


    For descriptive, applied and survey research, 162 people were selected from the senior managers of dairy companies according to Morgan's sample size table by available sampling method. After distributing and collecting the researcher-made questionnaire including 25 questions and 4 factors of knowledge (7 questions), managerial (8 questions), financial (4 questions) and technical (6 questions) whose face validity and structure were confirmed 131 questionnaires were used using structural equation method. The whole process of data analysis in the present SPSS and PLS software was analyzed.


    In the present study, according to the level of t-relationships, it was found that all factors had a significant presence in the research model, among which managerial factors have a greater impact than other factors to improve supply chain compliance with psychological and health issues. Also, considering that the desired value of GOF index is higher than 0.36, it can be said that the value of this index is in a favorable position in the existing factors. Finally, it was found that the research model has a good fit in all indicators.


    The results of the present study showed that in order to improve the alignment of the supply chain with psychological and health issues, various factors including managerial, technical, knowledge and financial factors are effective. Findings of Erickson and Jordano (2020) are consistent with the results of the present study. It seems that the lack of attention to policies and key dimensions to improve supply chain compliance with psychological and health issues has led to no practical activities to improve supply chain compliance with psychological and health issues. Undoubtedly, this issue, while affecting operational issues in this regard, has caused practical activities not to be implemented. On the other hand, the lack of serious efforts in this regard has caused the need to improve the alignment of the supply chain with psychological and health issues needed different activities in various dimensions, including financial, managerial, knowledge and technical issues. Another finding showed that among the identified factors, management factors are more important, which is consistent with the findings of Wendisch et al. (2011) (15). It seems that managerial factors such as creating psychological and health standards and creating monitoring systems in the field of supply chain, creating a competitive environment to improve supply chain response to the field of psychological and health, establishing coordination between the supply chain with health officials, law enforcement Transformers from improving psychological and health issues in the field of supply chain and citizenship behaviors to improve the performance of supply chain performance in the field of psychological and health to influence to create a primary platform in the field of supply chain to meet health and psychological needs play an important role in chain alignment Provides with psychological and health issues.

    Keywords: Health, Psychological, SUPPLY chain
  • Tahereh Shahraki, Rohollah Samiee*, Mohammad Bagher Gorji, Samereh Shojaei Pages 38-48
    Background & Aims

    Organizational behavior has long been considered, but the debate over the last two decades about organizational behavior of employees is called "organizational citizenship behavior" (2). Organizational citizenship behavior provides the attitude and capacity of employees to empower and increase their flexibility in line with the goals of the organization and in different environmental conditions; And provides the necessary conditions for organizational success and effectiveness (5). Because today, achieving the goals of organizations depends to a large extent on the proper performance of employees (6). This is more important in educational organizations, especially education (7). But one of the factors that affect the occurrence of organizational citizenship behavior is moral intelligence (11). Moral intelligence not only provides a strong and defensible framework for human activity, but also has many applications in the real world. People with high moral intelligence always link their work with ethical principles, which in turn increases the commitment and responsibility of individuals and improves individual and group performance (13). Many people's behaviors and actions are influenced by moral values and are rooted in morality. Therefore, lack of attention to ethics in organizations and weakness in observing ethical principles can create many problems and question the legitimacy and actions of organizations (14). However, considering the role of education in the future of the country, identifying variables related to moral intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior is of particular importance for better planning and improving the quality of teaching staff. In this regard, one of the variables that seems to be related to organizational citizenship behavior and moral intelligence is genuine leadership. Genuine leaders are deeply committed to the well-being of others and, as one of the characteristics of genuine leadership, pay special attention to the issue of caring ethics (19). Mental health is another component that may be related to moral intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. Mental health is one of the most important components of a healthy life in which numerous factors are involved in its proper or unhealthy formation. Accordingly, in parallel with examining the relationship between ethics and physical and mental health, researchers sought to define new concepts related to ethics and explain their components (22). Finally, in organizations, the most important and sensitive roles are played by managers. In order for managers to be able to perform their duties and activities well, employees must feel that their managers are trustworthy. Trust between management and employees will have a great impact on the quality of management. Therefore, the decline of trust in organizations is one of the issues that cause unmotivated and indifferent employees and slow implementation of programs (26). Considering the the importance of organizational citizenship behavior and moral intelligence on the work efficiency of education staff on the one hand, being adjacent to the three provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan and behavioral and cultural similarities and structural and environmental characteristics on the other hand And considering that research conducted inside and outside the country did not find research to examine the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior with moral intelligence and the mediating role of genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust in the Department of Education as In the present study, the researcher intends to model organizational citizenship behavior based on moral intelligence through genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust.


    The present study is based on the model of structural equations in terms of applied-developmental goal and in terms of correlation method. The statistical population of the present study included 3301 managers, deputies and employees of education departments in the three provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan. 344 people were randomly selected as the sample. Library and field resources (questionnaire) were used to collect information. To measure moral intelligence from the standard questionnaire of Lenick and Kiel (2005), to measure organizational citizenship behavior from the standard questionnaire of Podsakoff et al. (2000), to measure authentic leadership from the standard questionnaire of Walomboa et al. (2008), to measure mental health from the standard questionnaire GHQ designed by Goldberg and Hiller (1979) and the standard questionnaire of Elonen et al. (2008) was used to measure organizational trust. The face validity and content of the questionnaire were approved by academic experts. CVR All indicators were evaluated and approved more than 0.8. Cronbach's alpha was used to confirm the reliability of the instrument, which was higher than the acceptable minimum (0.7). Data analysis was performed using the path analysis approach with the help of Smart-PLS software version 3.2.


    According to Table 2, the research variables are in good condition. Also, the value of the square root of all variables is greater than the value of the correlation between them, which indicates a good divergent validity and good fit of the measurement model.
    The coefficient of determination shows that 78.9% of changes in organizational citizenship behavior are explained by moral intelligence, genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust. The standardized path coefficients and the significance of the coefficients in Figure (2) show that there is a direct relationship between moral intelligence and genuine leadership (β = 0.789), mental health (β = 0.805) and organizational trust (β = 0.866). And there is meaning. Also, there is a direct and significant relationship between moral intelligence (β = 0.192), genuine leadership (β = 0.219), mental health (β = 0.244) and organizational trust (β = 0.295) with organizational citizenship behavior. has it. The indirect coefficient of moral intelligence through the variables of genuine leadership was 0.173, mental health was 0.197 and organizational trust was 0.255, so that the sum of indirect effects is 0.625 and the total is 0.816, which is significantly less than the Sobel test. 5% can be said to mediate the variables of genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust in the relationship between moral intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior.


    According to the results of the present study and the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and moral intelligence directly and through the mediating role of genuine leadership, mental health and organizational trust, we realize the importance of organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, it can be argued that genuine leadership can enhance organizational citizenship behaviors by increasing the positive context in employees and promoting ethical intelligence and interest in employees. It can also be argued that moral intelligence through mental health is based on abilities and characteristics that provide valuable outcomes and results and lead to the emergence and development of organizational citizenship behavior. Finally, organizational trust creates a sense of security for employees and improves their organizational commitment and performance, and motivates employees to act beyond their duties. In this way, employees are sensitive to the better performance of work and the improvement of the image of the organization, and voluntarily and unconsciously engage in organizational citizenship behaviors.

    Keywords: Moral intelligence, Organizational Citizenship behavior, Genuine leadership, Mental health, Organizational trust
  • Farzad Sina, Mohammad Vafaee Shahi*, Fahimeh Soheilipour, Parisa Mohagheghi, Aina Riahi, Nafiseh Borqei, Atefeh Talebi Pages 49-59
    Background & Aims

    According to the high prevalence of epilepsy and the using of sodium valproate as an antiepileptic drug widely given in these patients, accurate recognition of its side effects and its effects on serum lipids profile, liver enzymes, uric acid level, and thyroid function tests, especially in cases that need long-term treatment seems essential. Sodium valproate is a broad-spectrum drug that has been frequently prescribed as a first-line anticonvulsant since 1970. Similar to other anticonvulsant drugs, sodium valproate comes with some side effects, including transient and harmless outcomes such as weight gain, transient drowsiness, hair loss, hand and arm tremors at rest and activity, reversible thrombocytopenia, and moderate (about 3 times) increase in gamma-glutamyl transferase, as well as harmful complications such as hepatotoxicity, encephalopathy, coagulation disorders, pancreatitis, and bone marrow suppression. Also, sodium valproate interacts with other drugs such as phenobarbital, phenytoin (PHT), carbamazepine, lamotrigine, felbamate, rifampin, ethosuximide, and primidone. It generally confers suitable therapeutic properties, and whether it is used or prohibited or its modification due to negative side effects should be decided individually for each patient. Obesity or an increase in adipose tissue is defined using the body mass index (BMI), where the body weight (kg) is divided by the square of the body height (m). In a child over 2, obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile, and a BMI at the 85th to 95th percentile means that the person is overweight. On the other hand, serum concentrations of specific lipids and lipoproteins in young adults are serious risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease during life. Several data showed that increased total cholesterol, elevated triglyceride (TG) and LDL-C, and decreased HDL-C levels, cause cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the assessment of variations in serum lipid profile levels following the consumption of anticonvulsants may help select the safest drug to prevent cardiovascular complications in patients. As we know, the complications of sodium valproate may be higher in children than adult. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sodium valproate on weight, body mass index (BMI), vitamin D3, blood insulin, uric acid level, and serum lipids profile in children with newly diagnosed epilepsy.


    This prospective study was performed on 30 children between 3 and 8 years of age who admitted to the pediatric ward of Rassol-e-Akram Hospital in Tehran during 2018-2019, suffered from newly diagnosed epilepsy and received sodium valproate as monotherapy to control of seizures. In this study, patients had no metabolic disease or underlying chromosomal condition, obesity, failure to thrive (FTT), or congenital anomalies were included in the study. All patients with, underlying conditions such as chronic hepatic, heart, renal, and metabolic diseases, diabetes, chromosomal disease, obesity, FTT, congenital anomalies, progressive neurological disease, gastrointestinal diseases, coagulation disorders and developmental delay were excluded from the study. Data include demographic information (age, sex, height, weight and waist and hip circumference of children), as well as clinical characteristics such as liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALK-P), serum lipids level (TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL-C), thyroid tests (TSH, T4), fasting blood sugar (FBS), Uric Acid level, 25 OH Vitamin D3 (Vit-D3) and blood insulin level of children before and six months after the consumption of sodium valproate, were examined


    The mean weight of children before and six months after the start of sodium valproate treatment was 18.54±2.99 and 21.13±3.93 (kg), respectively. This difference was statistically significant (P=0.005). Also, the mean weight Z-score of children before and after taking sodium valproate was respectively -2.497 and -2.293, that was statistically significant too. In addition to weight gain, there was also a significant increase in the abdominal and hip circumference of children after taking valproate, whereas the increase in mean BMI before and after valproate administration was not statistically significant (P=0.114). Mean values of weight, body mass index, and circumference of the abdomen and hips of children before and after taking sodium valproate were compared individually in girls and boys. However, mean weight gain, as well as the increase in the waist and hip circumference, had no relationship with gender (P> 0.05). Paraclinical features such as hepatic enzymes (ALT, AST, ALK-P), lipids profile (TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL.C), thyroid tests (TSH, T4), fasting blood sugar (FBS), the concentration of uric acid, 25 OH Vitamin D3, and the content of blood insulin level before and after consuming sodium valproate were measured individually in boys and girls. Also, sodium valproate significantly increased ALT level (P=0.046). This is while sodium valproate had no effect on other liver function markers (AST), thyroid hormones (TSH, T4), fasting blood sugar (FBS), uric acid level, 25 OH Vit-D3, and the children's blood insulin levels (P> 0.05).


    This study was carried out in 2018 on 30 children aged 3 to 8 years who were admitted in the pediatric ward of Rasool-e- Akram Hospital with newly diagnosed epilepsy and were treated with sodium valproate to control their seizures. In this study, factors including gender, age, weight, height, and size of waist and hip, as well as hepatic enzymes (AST, ALT), and the results of laboratory testing of lipid profiles, uric acid level, thyroid hormones, vitamin D3 level, and fasting blood sugar were recorded before and 6 months after consuming sodium valproate for each patient. According to the findings of this study, it can be said that sodium valproate is a good and safe drug for children between 3 and 8 years of age, but it should be noted that taking this drug increases the chance of obesity in children. Weight gain following the consumption of sodium valproate was observed in all children in this study. The main side effect of this drug is weight gain. In addition to weight gain, a significant increase was observed in the size of the abdomen and hips of children after taking this drug. Due to the normal serum level of insulin, uric acid and lipids, it seems that the role of sodium valproate in children weight gain is more result of increased appetite than metabolic and hormonal changes. Also, the result of significant increase in ALT enzyme level, in this study, recommended that liver enzymes should be checked before, one and six months after starting treatment as it can prevent the irreversible permanent side effects of this drug.

    Keywords: Obesity, Sodium Valproate, Children, Epilepsy
  • Fatemeh Talebian, Hassan Amouzad Mahdirejei, Fereshteh Araghian Mojarad, Tahereh Yaghoubi* Pages 60-71
    Background & Aims

    Human-being is a complicated creature who has different cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Spiritual health dimension is the most recent dimension of health, and it also reinforces mental functioning and adaptability. A lack of spiritual health results in other dimensions of health not being able to have their maximum efficiency that they are expected to have. Individuals with spiritual health have a sense of identity, perfection, satisfaction, love, respect, positive perspective, peace, and inner balance, and their lives are purposeful. On this account, spiritual health in the nursing profession is considered as an ethical system which has a noticeable impact on the quality of the services that are provided for patients. As a matter of fact, one of the fundamental factors of providing spiritual health for individuals is resilience, and this capacity is considered as an essential component for the nursing profession, since it is one of the responsibilities of nurses to maintain their proper function in stressful conditions, and this would not be possible except when the nurses have the desirable resilience. As it was mentioned before, one of the main factors of providing health for individuals is resilience. Resilience is considered as a skill, and it is defined as the skill in which people use all of their abilities to achieve success in stressful conditions. As a result, it helps an individual to be adaptive to risk factors. Because of that, some researchers deem resilience as necessary for nursing profession, because this capability not only has an impact on quality of life, but it also influences job performance as well as quality of nursing services. Findings of Rajabiyan dehzireh study showed that there is a relation between the dimensions of spiritual health and resilience, in a way that when spiritual health increases, the level of resilience also increases. The incidence of Corona virus pandemic has an influence on all economical, social, and political domains in the country; however, among all these, the impact of psychological domain on spiritual health for people is of high importance. According to the study of Rouhaniun in Iran in 2020, the level of mental disorders and resilience during COVID-19 pandemic are reported as high and low, respectively. With these evidences in mind, the researcher decided to identify the factors related to spiritual health, by determining the factors which influence resilience in nurses. In spite of the fact that considering spiritual health as an important dimension of individual and social life is attended to by health professionals in recent years, it is still important to improve nurses’ spiritual health; it is because of the importance of providing spiritual care in order to meet patients’ spiritual needs. By confirming the above-mentioned points, in this study, a review was done on the studies conduced in the field of nurses’ spiritual health, which both describes the condition of nurses’ spiritual health, and discusses the factors related to nurses’ spiritual health.


    This research was designed as a conceptual review. Through using the key words of “spiritual health”, and “nurse”, the resources in databases of Google Scholar, SID, Iran Medex, Magiran were obtained. These words were often used separately and sometimes as a combination of two words together. The inclusion criterion was that the language of articles was in Farsi, and the articles were searched for with a time limit from 2010 to 2016. The number of articles were investigated and after omitting the repeated articles, 23 studies remained. After searching the databases, 13744 cases were studied, and by performing the inclusion and exclusion criteria and omitting the repeated ones, 13721 articles were excluded, and finally, 23 articles were included.


    This study demonstrated that the level of spiritual health in nurses is average. The factors related to spiritual health include gender, occupational stress, depression, spiritual intelligence, quality of life, job satisfaction, social skills, decisiveness, self-control, moral distress, general health, resilience, anxiety, happiness, and problem-focused strategy. Out of the 23 articles under study in this research, 17 articles were in Farsi and 6 articles were in English. In addition to that, most of the study samples were nurses (not nursing students). Moreover, most of the studies were for the year 2016. Among all the articles which were investigated, categorization of articles was based on the content, in such a way that the result of the study was categorized in four groups which are: 3 articles including quality of personal life (quality of life and marital satisfaction), 9 articles were related to job performance (occupational burnout, job satisfaction, occupational stress, vocational adjustment, coercion), 6 articles were associated with quality of medical services (caring behavior, spiritual provision, limitations of spiritual provision, caretaking stress), and 5 articles were about personal characteristics of nurses (psychological well-being, self-efficacy, moral distress, positive attitude toward death). The diversity in these studies indicates the widespread coverage of this study in the studies which were conducted before. In order to observe the ethical considerations in the study, the studies which were used are mentioned in the reference section and all are written correctly.


    The results of this study suggested that when the spiritual health in nurses decreases, it does damage to the patients. Thus, it is useful to lay the foundation for improving spiritual health in nurses’ workplace, because favorable spiritual health leads to enhanced job satisfaction, improvement in service-providing quality, job performance, improvement in psychological well-being, and self-efficacy in nurses. This issue becomes more complex regarding the current pandemic of COVID-19, in particular. A lack of resilience skill not only forces limitations on nurses’ working conditions, but also exposes nurses to mental and biological damages. Therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration some proper training programs in order to improve the spiritual health in nurses and to eliminate obstacles which are in the way of taking spiritual care; through this, the nurses are able to provide better service to patients and their families, and the nurses themselves can also enjoy a higher level of resilience by achieving a favorable level of spiritual health.

    Keywords: Spiritual Health, Resilience, Nurse, Review Study
  • Mehdi Naeimi Nezamabad, Hossein Vazifehdust*, Mohammad Ali Abdolvand, Behnaz Khodayari Pages 72-79
    Background & Aims

    Attention to ethical issues as a concern and one of the values in various fields and groups has received serious attention. Consumers are no exception. Consumers, as one of the most important pillars in today's society, need to have ethical behaviors more than ever (2). Ethical behaviors on the one hand can improve values and ethics in societies and on the other hand can promote individual order. This issue has caused the importance of paying attention to issues related to ethical behaviors as an important issue has been considered by various researchers (3). In order to improve ethical behaviors, various aspects should be considered, including personality traits. Personality is a distinctive and specific pattern of thought, emotion and behavior that determines the style of his interaction with physical and social environments (9). One of the important variables in the path of ethical behaviors is psychological well-being. Psychological well-being is the ability to actively participate in work, recreation, create meaningful relationships with others, develop a sense of autonomy and purpose in life, and experience positive emotions (14). However, not paying attention to consumers' ethical behaviors can lead to fundamental problems in areas related to consumers, including the environment. Given the key capacities of the environment, paying attention to the ethical behaviors of consumers can provide a basis for improving aspects of the environment. Due to the lack of sufficient scientific evidence on the relationship between the variables affecting the ethical behaviors of consumers, no serious activities have been created in this regard. On the other hand, the uncertainty of the role of personality traits, psychological well-being in predicting the ethical behavior of individuals, has led to insufficient concern in the way of improving the ethical behaviors of individuals. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the role of personality traits and psychological well-being on ethical behavior of individuals tries to answer the question that personality traits and psychological well-being have an effect on ethical behavior of individuals?


    The present research is an applied research and a descriptive research that was conducted in the field. The statistical population of the present study consisted of consumers of food industry in Golestan province. Due to the lack of accurate information about their statistics and based on Cochran's formula and Krejcie and Morgan table, 384 people were selected as the available sample. To collect data from 3 questionnaires of Lozier (2013) ethical behaviors including 15 questions, Reef Psychological Welfare Questionnaire (1980) including 18 questions and Personality Traits Questionnaire (NEO) by McCray and Costa in 1985 and including 60 The question is used. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were also confirmed. Finally, the structural equation method was used to analyze the data.


    According to the results of the research model and the degree of t-relationships, it was found that psychological well-being has an effect on ethical behavior of 0.627 and personality traits have an effect on ethical behavior of 0.394. Finally, it was found that the research model has a good fit in all indicators.


    The results showed that improving the level of psychological well-being can improve ethical behaviors among individuals. This shows that in order to improve moral behaviors, focusing on improving psychological well-being is important and necessary. It seems that the functions of psychological well-being in order to promote the mental and intellectual context among consumers in order to recognize and follow the ethical aspects have caused psychological well-being to play an important role in the direction of ethical behaviors. However, it should be noted that everyone has a certain capacity to withstand the pressures of daily life. Maintain your psyche. Therefore, psychological well-being by providing people with their environment and creating conditions for people to adapt to the environment can provide the basis for appropriate response to environmental needs. This issue provides the ground for the occurrence of ethical behaviors among individuals. Another finding showed that improving the level of personality traits can improve ethical behaviors among individuals. This shows that in order to improve ethical behaviors, focusing on adapting the status of personality traits is important and necessary. Personality traits are one of the most important aspects in individual domains. In other words, personality traits determine people's behaviors. This issue has led to the attention to personality traits in predicting the behaviors of individuals in various areas, including important and key ethical behaviors. With this in mind, personality traits have a good capacity to create individual and group contexts to influence the moral sphere. This issue has caused that in the present study, personality traits have a significant role on ethical behaviors, in other words, it can adequately overshadow the level of ethical behaviors.

    Keywords: Psychological well-being, Ethical behavior, Personality traits
  • Hoda Tabe, Asieh Abbassi Daloii*, Seyed Javad Ziaolhagh, Alireza Barari Pages 80-89
    Background & Aims

    Obesity is recognized as a modern global epidemic disease (2). Clinical and epidemiological evidence suggests that obesity is associated with a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death. Obesity can increase CVD mortality (3-5). Phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) is a family of lipids and protein kinases that are transmitted in intracellular signals and are involved in regulating a wide variety of biological processes including cellular metabolic control and cell proliferation and survival (8). PI3K activation in response to increased myocardial contractility regulates glucose metabolism and oxidation of myocardial fatty acids (10). Also, Tensin homologue (PTEN) is a dual-function lipid and phosphoinositide phosphatase that negatively regulates insulin signaling via the PI3K pathway (11). Evidence shows that exercise reduces the risk of metabolic disease by activating metabolic changes in various tissues of the body (14). An increase in PI3kinase following aerobic exercise has been reported in animal specimens (15, 16). Decreased gene expression as well as PTEN protein in the left ventricular muscle of Wistar rats after eight weeks of swimming training (17) and no significant change in prostate gland PTEN gene expression in male rats after six weeks of continuous training (18). On the other hand, administration of antioxidants can improve heart damage and improve insulin resistance in adipose tissue of obese subjects (19). Meanwhile, garlic with the scientific name of Allium Sativum has long been used as a food flavoring and also its useful properties as a medicine in herbal medicine in the treatment of various diseases have been proven (20). Improvement of diet-induced pathological changes in rat heart tissue following garlic consumption has been reported (22). Considering the potential benefits of garlic and regular exercise in reducing obesity and the potentially beneficial consequences of their interactive effect on heart tissue metabolism, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic training and garlic supplementation on expression of metabolic markers in heart tissue of obese rats.


    This is an experimental study. 25 male rats (5 healthy adult rats and 20 adults obese male Wistar rats) were randomly divided into five groups: control (healthy), obese, obese-garlic, obese-aerobic training and obese-garlic. 5 healthy adult rats and 20 obese adult male rats exposed to the cycle of dark light (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness), humidity of 65±5% and temperature of 25±2°C, with free access to water and high-fat food, underwent a high-fat diet. Containing 50% fat (derived from soybean oil), 30% carbohydrate and 20% protein, they weighed 319 g to be considered obese according to the Lee index (23). Aerobic exercise was performed on treadmill, 5 days week for eight weeks (24). After anesthesia, an autopsy was performed and heart tissue was removed. gene expression of PI3K and PTEN in heart tissue were measured using Real Time PCR. Data were analyzed by t-test, One-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey at the P<0.05.


    The results showed that PI3K mRNA of heart tissue was significantly higher in the obese-garlic, obese-exercise and obese-exercise-garlic groups than the obese control group (P=0.001). Also, PTEN mRNA of heart tissue was significantly lower in obese-garlic, obese-exercise and obese-exercise-garlic groups than the obese control group (P=0.001) (fig. 1-2).


    The findings of the present study show that after the intervention, PI3K mRNA of heart tissue was significantly higher and PTEN mRNA of heart tissue was significantly lower in the obese-garlic, obese-exercise and obese-exercise-garlic. The findings of this study were consistent with the results of Previous research (15-17). Regarding the mechanisms affecting PI3K changes, it has been reported that high expression of IGF-1 or IGF receptors activates PI3K (p110α) and induces physiological hypertrophy of the heart (28). Therefore, in our study, aerobic exercise may have altered PI3K levels by affecting IGF-1 levels. Tensin homolog (PTEN) negatively regulates insulin signaling via the PI3K pathway (11). A study has shown that the expression and enzymatic activity of PTEN are strongly regulated at the levels of transcription, translation and protein / protein interaction (30). The PTEN gene can be upregulated by primary growth-regulated transcription factor-1, PPARγ, P53, and transcription-activating factor-2, while beta-transforming growth factor (TGF), nuclear factor-kappa b, and Jun Can set it negatively. Nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB), transcription factor subunit AP-1 c-Jun and CBF-1 (binding factor regulator C-promoter-1) bind to PTEN promoter to regulate its transcription (31). Exercise in the present study may have altered the gene expression of PTEN in the heart tissue of obese rats by influencing the above factors. also, Regular exercise has been reported to reduce oxidative stress levels, which in turn can reduce PTEN expression levels (18). The mechanism of improvement of metabolic processes following the consumption of garlic has been investigated. Animal studies have shown that dietary supplementation with garlic reduces the activity of lipogenic and cholestrogenic enzymes including malic enzyme, fatty acid synthetase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 3-hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (34). In the present study, garlic supplementation had significant effect on the expression of PI3K and PTEN genes in the heart tissue of obese rats after the intervention period. Garlic extract has been reported to improve oxidative stress and reduce heart failure in a dose-dependent manner (35). According to the findings of the present study, it is possible that aerobic exercise and garlic supplementation intervention can help improve gene expression of cardiac tissue metabolic markers in obesity. There were limitations in the present study, including the lack of measurement of factors affecting cardiac tissue metabolic indices such as IGF-1 and PPARγ, P53 and TGF, and NF-κB.

    Keywords: Obesity, Exercise, Garlic, Metabolism of heart tissue, Rats
  • Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad, Laleh Behboudi*, Sanaz Mirzaiyan Shanjani, Mojtaba Izadi Pages 90-103
    Background & Aims

    The Liver is one of the most important body organs. Some of its most important functions include, detoxing the taken medications, expulsion of the remains of destruction of the red blood cells in form of bile, producing blood coagulation components, preserving sugar in the form of glycogen and also preserving and burning of the fat and sugar in body. There are two kinds of fatty liver diseases, namely, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic fatty liver. The most common liver ailment is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which happens when more than 5%-10% of the liver weight would consist of fat. This disease can be categorized into three different levels, 1,2 and 3. Emergence and development of such disease is affected by genetic factors in addition to having a low activity lifestyle and bad eating habits. Genetic factors play an important role in being overweight and having NAFLD. 16%-50% of the NAFLD patients are affected by the genetic factors. One of the genetic factors is the Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gen (MTHFR). This is the coding gen of the Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme which it’s common polymorphismis C677T. Gen MTHFR is one of the effective genes in producing active oxidants and therefore, effective in Steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis. It is possible that in case of an increase in C677T which will result in decreasing the functionality of MTHFR in a fatty liver, and considering that the considered enzyme is only functional in high temperatures, would result in an increase in this enzyme function and hence, increase of the temperature during an exercise. In case of an increase in C677T, a less functioning MTHFR is produced which will result in an increase in blood Homocysteine.In order to study the effect of eight week's compound exercises (aerobic and resistance) on homocysteine serum level on three genotypes (CC, CT, TT) of C677T polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene's (MTHFR) was conducted.


    In this semi-experimental study, the homocysteine serum level of 60 obese male between the age of 30 to 40 with the BMI of 30 to 35(K⁄m^2 ) whom were diagnoests with grade 1 NAFLD which also were devided in six groups (3 control groups, 3 experimental groups), before and after of eight weeks of compound exercises were observed. The compound exercises were executed as the combination of aerobic and resistance exercieses for 3 seperated (non- consecutive) days in the way that at the first half of the session the aerobic exercieses were took place and in the second half the resistance exercieses. The aerobic exercises with the intensity of 65 percent of the maximum Save heart rate in the first sesseion and 75 percent of the maximum Save heart rate of the last session and the resistance exercises were based on non-linear base with emphasis on endurances and total readiness with the mean of Kramer and Flak with the intensity of 45 percent of the first session and the 60 percent of the last session have had happened. To compare the groups with eachother, the Statistical method of analysis of variance method, with repetitious size was used. If there were ment to be a difference between the groups for the means to compare them with eachother the Post hoc test LSD method, with errore of (05/0 ˂α) was considered, and the SPSS19 softwear was used to analyzing the experiment data.


    After 8 weeks, the results have shown that the different exercise groups have a noticeable variation in Homocysteine index(p=0/000). By analyzing the variance of the data, we can see that there is a meaningful difference between different groups. There is a meaningful difference between the groups, even disregarding the test cases (p=0/000). Due to the difference between the groups, the LSD test method is used to find the difference position. Based on this method, it have been resulted that the density of Homocysteine in TT genotype group was meaningfully reducted in comparison to other genotype groups, such as CT genotype group(p=0/000) and CC genotype group(p=0/026), however the CT genotype group did not show a noticeable differenc rather than CC genotype group(p=0/815), further result suggest that there is a noticeable difference between pre-test and post-test in TT genotype group(p=0/025) and also the same situation was happened with the CT exercise group(p=0/041), but there was no meaningful differences between pre-test and post-test of the CC group.


      after eight week's compound exercises (aerobic and resistance) level homocysteine serum on genotype reduction performance of TT was better in reduction comparison to genotype CT and CC. this finding shows that, because of the reduction level of the homocysteine serum, probably the function of the liver in non-alcoholic fatty liver patients will improve.Overall conclusion Eight week's compound exercises (aerobic and resistance) can significantly reduce the level of Homocysteine.considering the results of this study, it can be concluded that combined exercise of aerobic and resistance exercise could be used in curing the non-alcoholic fatty liver in the obese male patience in order to avoid wight gain and it’s comorbidities and also the lack of exercise in addition to curing the disease. These results also indicate that a reduced level of Homocysteine serum will probably result in better functionality of a fatty liver in the patience.

    Keywords: Non-alcoholic fatty liver, Obest, MTHFR, Homocysteine serum, C667T, exercises (aerobic, resistance)
  • Shadi Fayyazi*, Saeed Naghibi, Mohammd Shariatzade Joneydi, Mohammadreza Asad Pages 104-115
    Background & Aims

    PGC-1α is involved in their activation by binding to transcription factors, including ERRα. PGC-1α and ERRα work together to transcribe genes involved in energy metabolism (13), including genes involved in processes such as brown adipocyte differentiation, adipogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis (8), and activation of carbohydrate and fat oxidation enzymes(9), mitochondrial respiration (10), upregulation of gene expression VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and other growth factors of angiogenesis (11), thermogenesis and antioxidant effects (12). Therefore, the levels of PGC-1α and ERRα in adipose tissue can have beneficial effects on systemic metabolism and can be considered as an important goal in the treatment of diseases (18, 20). Although the beneficial effects of exercise on adipose tissue and metabolic activity are well known, however, the effect of different exercise intensities on the expression of these two genes in subcutaneous adipose tissue is less known. In previous have not found any study that examined the expression of these two genes simultaneously in subcutaneous adipose tissue following of exercise. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the response of PGC-1α and ERRα factors to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-intensity continuous training (MIT) in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of healthy male rats.


    In the present experimental study, 24 healthy male rats with average weight 237± 33 g were randomly divided into 3 groups of 8: 8-week control, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Moderate Intensity Training (MIT). HIIT and MIT participated in training programs for 8 weeks. Rats in the control group did not participate in any exercise program. The HIIT training protocol consisted of 4 intense alternations with 4 minutes of running at 90 to 100% VO2max and 30 m / min and 4 intense alternations with 3 minutes running at 50 to 60% VO2max at 20 m / min  which lasted a total of 38 minutes and included 10 minutes of warm-up and 28 minutes of main body training. The MIT protocol started in the first week with 20 minutes of main body training and a speed of 20 meters per minute and with the gradual increase of training time in the following weeks, from the fifth week, the time of the main body of training increased to 30 minutes. The speed was constant throughout the training period and the training was performed at 65% of the maximum oxygen consumption and was accompanied by 5 minutes of warm-up and 5 minutes of cooling The control group along with 2 training groups were anesthetized after 8 weeks of training and 24 hours after the last training session and 12 hours of fasting with xylazine and ketamine injection and adipose tissue in their groin area were removed. The sample tissue of each animal was immediately immersed in a liquid nitrogen solution in a tube and the samples were kept in the laboratory until the experiments evaluating the amount of gene expression changes in the -80 ° C freezer. RT-PCR was used to measure gene expression. PCR amplification was assessed by evaluating the amplification curve and melting peak. In this study, GAPDH gene was used an internal control. Shapiro-Wilk  test was used to determine the normality of data distribution and Leven test was used to examine the homogeneity of variances. Due to the normal distribution of variables, One-way analysis of variance statistical test was used to determine the significance and differences between groups and then Tukey post hoc test was used at a significance level of P <0.05.


    8 weeks of HIIT and MIT trainings increased the expression of PGC-1α gene in comparison with the control group (P ≤ 0.001). However, no significant difference was observed in PGC-1α gene expression between HIIT and MIT groups (P = 0.514). 8 weeks of HIIT trainings increased the expression of ERRα gene in comparison with the control group (P ≤ 0.001). However, no significant difference was observed in the expression of ERRα gene between the MIT group and the control group despite a 104% increase compared to the control group (P = 0.052). Also, there was no significant difference in the expression of ERRα gene between HIIT and MIT groups (P = 0.062). The results of the present study showed an increase in the expression of PGC-1α and ERRα genes in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of male rats after eight weeks of HIIT and MIT training compared to the control group. Comparison between HIIT group and control group in PGC-1α and ERRα gene expression showed an increase of 278 and 206%, respectively. Comparison between MIT training group and control group in PGC-1α and ERRα gene expression also showed an increase of 190 and 104%, respectively, although the difference between MIT group and control was not significant (P = 0.052).


    The results of the present study showed that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) compared to moderate-intensity continuous training (MIT) significantly increased the expression of PGC-1α and ERRα genes in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Therefore, increased expression of both genes studied in subcutaneous adipose tissue is traceable factor, but HIIT exercises are probably more effective due to their higher intensity. The dramatic increase in these two factors following HIIT and MIT trainings can be a valuable result because the cooperation and cross-activation of PGC-1α  with ERRα regulate underlying metabolic processes such as brown adipocyte differentiation, adipogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis, and angiogenesis. Considering the health-related beneficial effects of increasing these two factors following previous research on the one hand and significantly increasing the expression of both genes in HIIT and MIT exercises, the use of both training methods as a suitable solution to maintain health is suggested. HIIT exercises seem to be more practical in practice due to the shorter time to perform.

    Keywords: PGC-1α, ERRα, HITT, MITT, Subcutaneous adipose tissue
  • Abolfazl Mehrdost, Yaghob Alavi Matin*, Reza Rostamzadeh, Soliman Iranzadeh Pages 116-124
    Background & Aims

    Mental health is one of the important axes of health assessment of different communities so that experts attach great importance to the issue of mental health of people, especially young people and believe that the desired mental health can be directly and indirectly affected by various factors (2). In fact, mental health is a state of successful functioning of mental processes, efficient activity, effective and fruitful relationships with people, the ability to adapt to change and adapt to favorable conditions. Which is influenced by many factors in addition to individual, biological, genetic and biological characteristics as well as the conditions in which the person grows up, including occupational factors, group factors, organizational factors, conflicts between Work and life, general job satisfaction, job culture satisfaction, income satisfaction and satisfaction with relationships with colleagues, non-observance of justice, lack of flourishing opportunities for individuals and the existence of irrational discrimination (3). If appropriate mental health policies are designed and implemented, it will have a significant impact on the mental health of the community (5). Existence of a strong and efficient insurance system in economic and social empowerment and expansion of opportunities and the right to choose as components of development can play a fundamental and decisive role in the country. An important part of governments' extensive efforts in the field of health, and accordingly, the World Health Organization, in cooperation with the World Labor Organization in the United Nations, has begun to help countries in these countries comprehensive social security coverage, including a variety of protection problems Financially, develop different ways of substituting income and social support in times of illness (8). In this regard, Iran is no exception to this rule and the issue of health and its promotion has always been one of the main challenges of the government (6). Despite the important functions of mental health insurance, this industry in our country, like most developing countries, remains unknown and its role in the country's economy and household life is negligible. Since not only the general public but also the financial and economic policy makers of the country is unaware of the associated benefits of it. Also, unfortunately, little research has been done on mental health insurance. In this research, the factors that are effective in the development of this insurance in the country are examined in order to help those in charge of life insurance to take positive steps to expand it in the country. Therefore, the researcher seeks to answer the question of what are the factors affecting the development of mental health insurance in Iran?


    This research was conducted in two stages: qualitative and quantitative. In terms of purpose, this research is exploratory in the qualitative phase and explanatory in the quantitative phase. The statistical population of the present study in the stage of determining the conceptual model (qualitative phase) included experts, professors, managers and executives of the country's insurance system that 13 people were selected for interview by snowball method. Based on the existing theoretical foundations of Persian and English, the factors affecting the development of mental health insurance were identified and provided to experts, then, in face-to-face meetings, these factors were discussed, corrected and finally, the factors The final was provided to the experts to express their views on the face validity and content of the factors and items related to each factor. Finally, 34 items with a five-point Likert scale (very low to very high) were approved in the form of four structural, cultural, supply, and individual factors. The statistical population in the quantitative sector (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) was managers and employees working in the field of health insurance, insurance companies, areas active in the field of health insurance and faculty members in the field of psychiatry. After compiling the questionnaire, the questionnaires were given to a statistical sample of 325 people in various ways such as sending e-mail, face-to-face referral, sending fax, etc. The number of 308 questionnaires was provided to the researcher in full and without any problem for analysis. Data analysis: Extensive factor analysis in SPSS software version 26 was used to identify the factors and confirmatory factor analysis in LISREL software version 9.3 was used to confirm the final model.


    The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of five basic factors including the first factor (structural); The second factor (culture); 18 Third factor (quality of service); Identified the fourth factor (individual) and the fifth factor (supply and support) for the development of mental health insurance (Table 1).


    The results of this study showed that 5 structural factors, culture, service quality, individual, supply and support have an important role in the development of mental health insurance. The results of this research in identifying structural factors and financing and services are consistent with the research of Alizadeh et al. (2017), but are not consistent in cultural and personal dimensions (11). The service quality factor included access to professional services, segregation of services according to the type of mental disorders, provision of pharmaceutical and laboratory services. In the cultural factor, socio-cultural changes, fear of stigma, positive attitude towards health insurance, familiarity with different types of insurance and cultural priorities were the decisive items. In the field of individual factors, we can also mention the level of education, income, number of children, understanding the vital role of insurance in providing costs and satisfaction of individuals. Finally, the supply and support agents included the insurer's commitment and guarantee items, the payment of deductibles, NGO grants, and public tax financing. Due to the fact that the insurer is required to fulfill the obligation and guarantee of the insurer towards the insurers, therefore, the insurance operation is delicate and complex and its correct implementation requires the optimal use of statistical, legal, financial, economic, and statistical knowledge. Insurance is investment, marketing and management (14). Finally, identifying important and practical variables in providing health services coverage and their application in the mental health system can help improve the health indicators related to these services. It seems that policy makers in the field of insurance together with companies or insurance systems can rely on education, financial support and services, formulate laws and regulations, familiarize the community with the types of insurance and the need for health insurance, culture and appropriate insurance coverage. Not only will they provide the comfort and well-being of people in the community, but they will also provide adequate financial capital to insurance systems.

    Keywords: Insurance, Mental Health, Development of Health, Development, Insurance System
  • Karim Atashgar*, Saeed Roshandel Pages 125-144
    Background & Aims

    One of the first steps taken in the epidemic of a disease such as Covid-19 in the community is to conduct an epidemiological study. In this case, the basic reproduction number (R0) index is referred to as a key term to analyze and control the pandemic condition. The fluctuation of this index really is affected by different factors. The objective of this paper is: 1) to design a functional relationship between R0 term and the temperature variable, and 2) to illustrate that the pandemic condition of a community can be monitored effectively by the profile approach. The Covid-19 virus was first detected in Wuhan, China, and has infected more than 35 million people as of this writing. In the case of Covid-19 virus, the term pandemic is used instead of epidemic after the virus has spread worldwide and has been in such a way that it has crossed several continents and has affected all countries of the world (1). One of the first measures to control the prevalence of such diseases is to conduct an epidemiological study. A key feature in epidemiological assessment and control is the Basic Reproduction Number ( ).    means that each carrier can infect an average of several others by entering an unprotected population. In epidemiology, there are several factors affecting   (2). One of the most important uncontrollable factors whose effects on the Covid-19 virus pandemic have been discussed by many researchers so far, is environment temperature (5).


    The method used in this research to provide the objectives is profile monitoring. Profile monitoring is categorized in statistical approach. In this research the functional relationship (profile) between temperature variable and the basic reproduction number is analyzed. Experimental analysis methods are also used leading to achieve the desired functional relationship. This paper, for the first time, uses profile monitoring to offer a new approach to pandemic control and management while proposing a functional relationship between environment temperature and Basic Reproduction Number. Monitoring this relationship is important in that it can indicate the occurrence of uncontrolled conditions in this relationship. Out-of-control conditions in the functional relationship between environment temperature and   mean that the variability of the pandemic functional model has changed under the influence of certain factor or factors that have not been considered by the authorities. This paper, while proving the existence of a functional relationship between the Basic Reproduction Number and the environment temperature, seeks to show that pandemic can be effectively monitored with a profile monitoring approach. In other words, a process is controlled using profile monitoring approach, and by designing a functional model. Profile monitoring is a knowledge that goes beyond production systems today and is used in other fields such as engineering, environment, biotechnology, genetics, medicine and finance (7). This research has also used experimental analysis methods to achieve the desired functional model. The data required for the research were gathered from two valid sources. The first part of this data is related to the daily statistics of corona cases over a period of 60 days from June 18, 2020 to August 16, 2020 for 10 countries with the most affected (United States, Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Spain and Iran). The second part is data about the weather conditions and average temperature parameters of the 10 countries in the mentioned period.


    In this research not only a profile provided based on basic reproduction number and temperature variables, but also it addressed that a pandemic condition of the community can be monitored by a profile relationship effectively. Furthermore this research showed that the variability due to abnormal factors and natural variability can be identified by the profile approach.Based on the experimental analysis, the studied countries were divided into two subsets based on the similarity of the adopted non-pharmaceutical policies. The first group includes Brazil, India, Spain, Peru and South Africa, and the second group includes Iran, the United States, Russia, Chile and Mexico. Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD) were used to select a subset of countries whose policies had similar results on the Basic Reproduction Number. Before starting the profile design and monitoring phase, it was necessary to evaluate all the data used in the research. The first part of this evaluation was related to the Basic Reproduction Number data in the studied countries in the desired time period. In this section, the normality and variance of data were evaluated and confirmed. Also, to prove the suitability of profile models, it should be concluded by performing various statistical tests that the errors of the uncorrelated random variable mean is equal to zero and variance is also equal. These errors also should follow the normal distribution (8). This was also done in the data analysis section. As a result, in order to analyze the model according to the effect of the policies adopted by governments, the research data for each group of countries studied were analyzed separately. This article examines the proposed model in two phases and analyzes the sensitivity of the proposed profile monitoring model for three different time periods in Iran. The results of this analysis show that the designed control model can monitor the pandemic conditions of Covid-19 virus well, affected by changes in temperature and show good signals of the occurrence of factors affecting the Basic Reproduction Number.


    This paper investigated the proposed model for two phases (that is phase-I and phase-II) and analyzed the sensitivity of the proposed profile monitoring for three different time periods in Iran. The results of this analysis showed that the designed control model is capable of monitoring effectively the pandemic conditions of Qovid-19 virus using the functional relationship between an independent variable (that is temperature) and a response variable (i.e. R0) and it is capable of producing appropriate signals.Examining the functional relationship between Basic Reproduction Number and other factors affecting this important index, and continuous monitoring of this functional relationship, can provide pandemic control and management in any country with more accurate and in-depth information. So that it is possible to trace the root causes of the decrease or increase of the pandemic more effectively. In this study, the profile monitoring method was used to monitor and control the functional relationship between the Basic Reproduction Number and environment temperature. Using experimental design method and regression analysis, this paper presented a profile model for Covid-19 pandemic monitoring for Iran and several other countries. Sensitivity analysis of the proposed model and the use of three real-time timelines showed that this model could yield good results for Covid-19 pandemic managers. Obviously, this new approach can have a significant impact on the management of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Keywords: Profile monitoring, Pandemic, Covid-19, Coronavirus, Basic Reproduction Number
  • Nafiseh Mahdavi*, Kiomars Farahbakhsh, Golamreza Noorazar, Abdollah Motemi Pages 145-156
    Background & Aims

    In recent years, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents has received more attention, the rate of diagnosis of the disorder in this age group has increased and the percentage of children for whom the diagnosis has been made in the last 10 years has doubled (1). Some past studies have shown that bipolar disorder occurs in about 60% of adults, before the onset of symptoms before the age of 20 and in 10-20% before the age of 10 (2). Bipolar disorder at a very young age deprives patients of the opportunity for normal psychosocial development and is associated with high rates of hospitalization, suicide, psychosis, substance abuse, as well as behavioral, educational, social, and legal problems. Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents is more associated with successive changes in symptoms, variable course, and severity below the threshold to full-blown DSM-IV syndrome (3).
    In the case of a disabling disorder such as bipolar disorder, on the one hand, the disease affects the patient's family members, and on the other hand, it affects the atmosphere and family environments associated with caregivers. 89% to 91% of family members, between 24% and 38%, score above the standard cut-off point, feel emotional pressure (mental exhaustion) in the self-report of depressive symptoms relative to the severity of the patient's symptoms (9). With the experience of bipolar disorder by a family member, special conditions are created in the family and provide major changes in the life plan of each family member. Parents can help children with bipolar disorder adapt to new situations with specific strategies and focus on their basic needs.


    The statistical population of this study is among the outpatients referred to specialized and sub-specialized clinics of medical sciences in Tabriz and the statistical sample of this study includes adolescents with bipolar disorder and both or at least one of their parents. And because the research was qualitative, the number of clients continued until the data was saturated. Based on this, 15 interviews were conducted with 15 adolescents with bipolar disorder and their families. The method was that among the patients who referred to the clinic and met the inclusion criteria for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder by a child and adolescent psychiatrist, through clinical interview according to DSM-5 criteria, to enter Research were selected. The age of inclusion in the study was at least 12 and at most 20 years for bipolar adolescent patients. Family satisfaction with participating in the study and having the ability to read and write of at least one of the main caregivers to record signs and symptoms was the only criterion for participants. The selected patients were surveyed with their caregivers (two or one family member) in a semi-structured interview with answering questions and observational methods. The method of data analysis in this study was qualitative and phenomenological approach. All raw data collected from family members and the patient were categorized and encrypted through interviews to shape participants' information about behaviors, emotions, thoughts, and issues. In this way, the obvious content of the messages were described in an orderly and meaningful pattern.


    Findings showed that parents' adaptive strategies were manifested in five strategies: exploratory, accreditation, security, educational and motivational. In exploratory strategies, parents provided adaptation strategies by creating a space to accept the new situation and using the environment to cope with the situation. Accreditation strategies were divided into two parts: direct and indirect accreditation. Security strategies were divided into emotional stimuli in communicating with the adolescent and reassuring stimuli in responding to the adolescent's needs. Educational strategies were divided into practical experiences (living conditions in crisis) and theoretical training. Motivational strategies were divided into cognitive, emotional, environmental, and endurance motivators.
    Around the disease and in the process of parent-child adaptation, parents are taught skills such as identifying and exploring environmental and communication strategies, accreditation as an adaptive strategy, identifying safe situations and benefiting from practical experiences and theoretical training in improving critical situations. In relation to children, they teach their adolescents to recognize the communication needs of their children in relation to parents and learn strategies for maintaining relationships for a long time to improve the communication pattern, to pay attention to the needs of discovering adaptive strategies, and in normal and critical situations by talking about emotions. Children and respect for it and recognizing the credentials of the mediators to understand and establish emotional connection with the children to credit their emotions and help them adapt to new situations.
    The results of the study showed that among the adaptive pathways of the family system, the paths that harmonize the family with changes are of special importance. One of the ways to coordinate the family with change is to adapt the duties of members to new situations of crisis and adjust behavioral changes to each other, attention and consideration of the environment and community.
    Walsh (17) considers these characteristics necessary to create and strengthen resilience. He argues that families need to have a flexible structure to function well in the face of adversity and to adapt to changing environmental and developmental demands. The results of this study are consistent with the research of Azhideh (19) who found that family participatory methods can be effective in interpersonal relationships of family members. Therefore, these three adaptive paths are interrelated and can be explained with each other.


    The results and consequences of the adaptation process of families with adolescents with bipolar disorder showed that in normal family life, families return to stability and peace in the family and resume efforts for a better future and individuals return. They came to terms with the normal situation and the normal attitude towards the bipolar experience and the constructive approach to this experience like other experiences. Also, pursuing hobbies and hobbies, accompanying family members together, working hard in difficult situations, avoiding stagnation and laziness, as a factor of construction and hope, comparing one's situation with others like oneself as a factor of mobility, strengthening religious ties, increasing Other experiences were experiences, purposefulness of daily activities, and confidence in rebuilding and restarting the conceptual spectrum of family strategy outcomes. Therefore, this study reported the role of parental strategies in better adaptation to adolescent bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to better understand the strategies of parents in the process of adaptation to a child with bipolar disorder.

    Keywords: Adaptive Strategies, Bipolar Disorder, Adolescent, Parents
  • Farzaneh Hashemi, Amin Khatibi *, Zahra Hojabrnia, Amir Nadri Pages 157-168
    Background & Aims

     Although sports fanaticism has a long history, and small and large football clubs around the world have sometimes had fanatical fans for more than a century, the formation of a fan culture is a relatively emerging phenomenon of which there is insufficient knowledge. Sport is generally tied to the concept of fan culture; Sports fanaticism and its components, including sports clubs and players, have become a cohesive culture known as the fan culture. Because fans have an emotional attachment to their favorite teams, they cannot be understood without considering culture and cultural analysis. With the rise of violence and aggression in football since the 1990s, various countries have taken precautionary measures to reduce it among fans, based on the promotion of a cultural atmosphere and the development of a fan culture. Violence and aggression are psychosocial phenomena that occur in exciting collective settings. Since the culture of advocacy is learnable and its system follows the patterns of habit-response, it is necessary to develop and improve the culture of advocacy by discovering the psychosocial factors associated with it. Over the past years, the country's football has been moving towards professionalism, but in parallel, no special program has been considered for the development of a fan culture towards professionalism, because there is no knowledge of the factors affecting its development. Based on this, it is necessary to adopt a theoretical approach to identify and analyze the psychosocial factors affecting the development of advocacy culture.


     The method of this research was qualitative and based on the data theory of the foundation and in terms of purpose it was of the fundamental-exploratory type. Research data were collected through snowball sampling technique and based on in-depth interviews with 23 scientific and executive elites of sports (including cultural directors, coaches and sports directors, referees and university professors). This process continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Interview times ranged from 20 to 50 minutes. The text of each interview was written to be used to analyze the participants' answers. In order to evaluate the quality and validation of qualitative results in the present study, Lincoln and Gaba (1985) evaluation criteria including validity, portability, reliability and verification criteria were used.


     Based on the findings, social and psychological factors were discovered. Based on the semantic similarity, these categories were composed of 11 sub-categories, which are called representation of fan culture in cyberspace, representation of fan culture in cyberspace, representation of fan culture in the fan club, representation of fan culture in national media, education, interest Taking the linguistic features of football culture, the activities of clubs and managerial factors in the category of social factors and categories of respecting the right of the fans, observing standards and control measures, improving the stadium environment, creating flow and directing emotions in the category of psychological factors Were classified. In addition, the subcategories themselves were a combination of 62 primary codes that were extracted by reviewing the interviews.


     The aim of this study was to provide a model for the development of a fan culture in sport. Findings showed that the development of advocacy culture is a function of changes in social and psychological factors.
    Social factors include the representation of the culture of advocacy in cyberspace and representation in the national media. Because fans have interacted with national media and virtual media through the media, fan issues can be taught and fans can be led to professionalism. Training seems to be an important determinant, but it should not be merely an emphasis on the fan community, and coaches, players, and leaders need to be trained to learn how to behave. Also, the representation of the culture of advocacy in important communities has a role in the formation of symbols and behavioral patterns. Fan clubs, if they are aware of their duties, can lead fans to professionalism in the culture of advocacy. Management factors also further reflect the fact that the development of a culture of advocacy depends on proper planning. The next case is the use of the linguistic features of the advocacy culture. The fan community has produced its own symbolic systems and thus shaped the culture of support. The activity of clubs was the last dimension of social factors. Perhaps their importance in professionalism and moving towards industrialization is more than anything else.
    Psychological factors included dimensions such as compliance with standards and control measures. It seems that not all measures to develop a fan culture are merely actions, because in some cases, the behavior and actions of the fans require officials to react. Also, creating and directing emotions causes behavioral orientation, and because cultural currents follow and direct large currents, it is necessary to pay enough attention to this important issue. What we are witnessing now in the country's stadiums is a kind of influence of collective behaviors. Provocation by some leaders, players, as well as coaches, and even coaching interviews in pre- and post-match press conferences push the margins and play a role in shaping behaviors on the podium. Significant measures have been taken in the world's leading clubs to cultivate and improve the stadium environment, so that now the atmosphere is calmer than in the past. Meanwhile, in the five decades that have passed since its official activity, Iranian football has gone through many ups and downs on the path to becoming a professional; In terms of the facilities provided to the teams, the manner and system of the game, the payment of large contracts to coaches and players, the online sale of tickets and the equipment of the stadium have become almost professional, but in terms of the behavior of spectators and football fans in stadiums So far, no significant movement has taken place and the word "cultural" of cultural and sports clubs has been abandoned and has found only a slogan-like meaning. Respect for the rights of fans can be seen in all countries of style. During the Corona Pandemic, which began in 2020, clubs were inevitably deprived of the direct support of their fans and spectators, and it was observed that right after 1 year of enduring this situation, clubs The big world protested against this situation and tried to fill this gap through the European Super League.
    These discussions were merely presenting a theoretical approach to the factors affecting the development of the desired supportive culture in sports, and it is necessary to conduct an empirical study of the psychosocial factors affecting the development of a supportive culture in sports.

    Keywords: Culture Of Football Fans, Psycho-Social Factors